Medicine in the late middle ages dominated by ancient Greek thought = Galen Galen’s influence on medieval medicine included 1. Anatomy 2. Physiology – functioning of the body = 2 blood systems 3. Disease – treatment of imbalances of the 4 humors -> bleeding and purging
Diagnosis and treatment of disease Renames himself “greater than Celsus” Calls himself “monarcha medico rum” = the monarch of physicians New “Chemical Philosophy”
1. Modern anatomy 2. Author of – On Anatomical Procedures, and On the Fabric of the Human Body 3. Practical research on human anatomy 4. “hands-on” approach to anatomy
1. Circulation of the blood 2. Author of – On the Motion of the Heart and Blood 3. His ideas based on observation and experiments 4. heart not liver circulates blood 5. not two types of blood 6. blood makes complete circuit of body
Margaret Cavendish -> engaged in sci. debates/attacked the idea that man can control nature Maria Sibylla Merian -> studied bugs Maria Winkelmann -> women astronomer, rejected by the Berlin Academy Maria Winkelmann Margaret Cavendish
“ARGUMENTS ABOUT WOMEN” 1. Women seen as lower, easily persuaded, sinful, temptresses 2. Woman begin to attack these ideas -> we can think and reason and benefit from education 3. Men said for a woman to be educated she had to be like a man 4. Science used to reaffirm/reinforce old stereotypes about women 5. Anatomy “proved” were designed to make babies not think