They are the only mammals that fly. (Mammals are warm blooded.) There are more than a thousand species of bats. They have furry, leathery wings.
Bats They live on every continent except Antarctica. Largest bat: fruit eating flying fox Smallest bat: bumblebee bat
Bats Bats that sleep during the day and are active at night are called nocturnal. A bat hangs upside-down by their toe claw when they sleep. A baby bat is called a pup. Females give birth to 1 pup at a time per year.
Bats Bats are not harmful to humans. Bats have a thumb on the top of their wing. Some fruit bats look like foxes.
Where do bats live? A bat habitat is called a roost. Dark places Caves Attics Trees Under bridges Crevices
What do bats eat? Insects (This is what most eat.) Fruit Nectar Fish Small animals: lizards, frogs, birds, rats Blood from livestock (vampire bats)
Echolocation Bats hunt for food at night by using echolocation. They send out high pitch sounds that bounce off other objects. This is how they find out where objects are.
The End!