Privacy ?
LEGAL REGIME Constotution Art. 32. (1) The private life of citizens shall be inviolable. Everyone shall be entitled to protection against any illegal interference in his private or family affairs and against encroachments on his honour, dignity and reputation. (2) No one shall be followed, photographed, filmed, recorded or subjected to any other similar activity without his knowledge or despite his express disapproval, except when such actions are permitted by law. Art. 34. (1) The freedom and confidentiality of correspondence and all other communications shall be inviolable. (2) Exceptions to this provision shall be allowed only with the permission of the judicial authorities for the purpose of discovering or preventing a grave crime.
LEGAL REGIME Telecommunications Act Chapter fourteen. Confidentiality of Messages and Protection of Personal Data in Carrying out Telecommunications Section I. Confidentiality of Messages Section II. Protection of Personal Data and Data of End users of Telecommunication Services
LEGAL REGIME CONFIDENTIALITY covers the type of the service, the content of the communication and all data, concerning the provision of the service TA stipulates that public operators are obligated to: guarantee the confidentiality of communications by undertaking all necessary technical and administrative measures. not to reveal information or data that has become known to them in the course of the provision of telecommunication services (employees) in case of a hazard of violating the communication’s confidentiality the public operator must notify his subscribers for the presence of such a risk and for the means of its elimination including the expected costs.
LEGAL REGIME The tracing, recording and keeping of messages, designated to other persons is prohibited for the purpose of preserving the confidentiality. There are two exceptions to this rule as follows: when the prior and explicit consent of the persons concerned is obtained and in the cases stipulated by law.
LEGAL REGIME Data Protection Communications – (routing, interconnection, provision, billing) Content; Traffic Data; “Calling line identification" and "called line identification”; Value added services; Telephone Directories.