Safeguards and Security Working Group FY2016 EFCOG Annual Meeting Amy Wilson CNS, Y12 National Security Complex Working Group Chair January 26, 2016
Safeguards & Security Working Group Leadership Team Chair: Amy Wilson Vice Chair currently vacant DOE Liaison: Marc Brooks, AU-51 EFCOG Sponsoring Directors Steve Hafner, Centerra Group Greg Meyer, Fluor Subgroups and Subgroup Chairs Maurice Hernandez: Physical Protection Wade Nelson: Information Security Mary Alice Price: MC&A 2
SSWG Participation Participation from all NNSA and most DOE sites Majority of business conducted via and phone Challenges with schedules, funding and travel have hindered FY16 task completion 3
FY15 Key Achievements SSWG Annual Meeting at the National Training Center Over 65 attendees from 13 EFCOG member companies 6 vendors with over 30 security technology demonstrations Sandia site tours 4
FY15 Key Achievements (cont) Issued MC&A Best Practices on material tracking Collaborations with DOE and Policy Insider threat, HRP, UAV/UAS False/Nuisance Alarm Rates Consolidated procurement Technical Standards 5
FY 2016 Focus Areas Risk review Balance of efficiency and effectiveness Performance evaluation 6
FY16 Plan Tasks Assist in policy review and implementation of programs related to: HRP categorization, insider analysis and counterintelligence security technology infrastructure and the revised threat guidance budgets and staffing for MC&A programs, in consideration of enhanced safeguards controls Support Performance Testing Working Group session in January 2016 Conduct SSWG Annual Meeting 7
Issues Finding appropriate documentation vehicle for collaboration and consultant discussion tasks 8