Chapter 7
7.7 Eating Habits Eating habits and the amount of physical activity that children participate in are largely determined by their parents habits. Eating habits have a significant impact on health and the individual human development. Healthy eating habits will establish The amount of physical activity the parent is involved in and encourages their children to do is a determinant of the attitude children form towards physical activity.
Eating Habits From the birth the infant is reliant on their mothers for nutrition. For the first six months are infants get the nutrients from breast milk or infant formula. Solid foods are introduced around 6 months of age, however they stay drinking breast milk or formula until around 12 months of age. When children start eating solid foods they begin with pureed foods. As the child gets used to used to eating solid foods, more coarsely mashed foods can be introduced. It is advised that good nutrition and eating habits in children can be promoted can be promoted by encouraging a whole variety of nutritious foods, introducing reduced-fat dairy products (from 2 years of age), offering whole grain breads and cereals, limiting the intake of oil such as margarine and butter, providing fresh fruits and vegetables and only occasionally offering treats and sweet drinks.
Eating Habits Ensuring the consumption of breakfast is an important consideration in the eating habits of children. Breakfast is important for a number of reasons including providing energy for the day’s, provides a portion of the days total nutrient intakes and replenishes the body’s supply of glucose. Studies indicate that children who miss breakfast tend to weigh more than those who eat breakfast daily.
Level of physical activity For children between the ages of 5 and 12, it is recommended they participate in a minimum of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity exercise daily. Vigorous activities are those that increase the heart rate, such as; football, netball, running and swimming. Regular physical activity has a range of benefits for the health and individual human development. Consuming nutritious foods and participating in regular physical activity reduces the risk of childhood obesity. Read pages Test your knowledge and apply knowledge page 219 questions 1-6 and Apply your knowledge question 7
7.8 Oral Hygiene Keeping the mouth clean in order to prevent bad breath and maintain healthy gums and teeth. Plaque contains the bacteria that changes sugars into acids, resulting in cavities. If left untreated plaque on the teeth can result in gum disease- initially gingivitis, which if left untreated, can lead to periodontitis. Oral hygiene during early childhood is vital for ensuring the health of teeth and gums, this also encourages routine to maintain good oral hygiene throughout adulthood.
Promoting oral hygiene Inappropriate use of feeding bottles can cause dental cavities. Infants should not be encouraged to use a bottle as a dummy, nor should they be given fruit juices or sweet drinks in a bottle. Breastfeeding significantly reduces the risk of dental cavities. Tooth brushing should begin as soon as the first tooth appears. Fluoridated water helps to protect against dental cavities, because fluoride reduces the amount of acid produced in the mouth as well as helping repair any damage to the teeth before it progresses. Children should have 2 dental checks before the age of 3. (6 monthly visits) The consumption of a healthy diet with minimal sugary substances also helps to prevent dental cavities and ensures good oral hygiene. Read pages Test your knowledge 1, 3, and 4 and Apply your knowledge question 5.