STUDY GUIDE UNIT 1 FINAL 1. Leviathon, it was in defense of the absolute power of the king 2. laws and to enforce them 3. To create a supreme power to impose peace on everyone 4. He believed a King was the best form of government, Monarchy 5. Reason, Science, and Religious Tolerance 6. Two Treaties of Government
7. Locke argued that natural rights such as life, liberty and property existed in the state of nature and could never be taken away. Second, Locke disagreed with Hobbes about the social contract, Locke saw it as an agreement between the people and the king. 8. Limited the power of the government and protected the people 9. To promote the common good or ‘public good’ that is to protect property and encourage commerce and little else.
10. Locke believe the power should rest within the Legislature 11. “The Spirit of the Laws” 12. He believe a government that had three branches and checks and balances 13. The Social Contract 14. To the whole community all the people 15. sovereign “general will” “public good” 16. “The Candide”, separation of church and state, freedom of speech and religious tolerance
17. Magna Carta, due process, right to fair trial, no taxation without consulting the king, trial by jury 18. a signed document and agreement on how the colony would live First form of self-government in the new world by Europeans coming to America 19. just and equal laws general good 20. English Bill of Rights 21. Parliament