CCR Exam Review (This is only a review and does not cover all information that will be on your exam) Remember: The exam is cumulative (cover info from the entire year)
Review the following notes Cover letter tips Resigning from a job Etiquette Resume Simple Interest Scholarship Graduation Requirements Public Speaking Body Language, Interview Skills and Business Etiquette Copyright My Online Code/Ethics Also, look over your Study Guide and the Financial Literary terms that I gave you.
Define digital etiquette/citizenship.
List the basic components of a resume.
What are some common mistakes people make on job interviews?
Define digital footprint.
What are some strategies to help you save money?
What are some differences between a checking and a savings account?
What part of the check is the least important? A: memo line
What should you do after a job interview?
What are some good strategies for interviewing?
Define interest.
What are some good practices when writing s?
What are some differences between debit and credit cards? Debit cards: pin number, no interest, from checking account Credit Cards: require a signature, interest rate, can request a pin
What are some difference between a bank and a credit union.
What are some examples of verbal and non-verbal communication?
When should you CC someone? When should you BCC someone?
How many units do you need in order to receive a high school diploma from SC? (units must be in the appropriate category)
Know how to calculate simple interest. $50 10%5 years $6,00020%3 months
Good Luck with your exam!