Chapter 4 Bullying and Cyberbullying Lesson 1
ISBE State Standards/Goals: State Goal: 24. A. 3b Demonstrate methods for addressing interpersonal differences without harm. State Goal: 24. A. 3c Explain how positive communication helps to build and maintain relationships at school, at home, and in the workplace. State Goal: 24. C. 3a Apply refusal and negotiation skills to potentially harmful situations.
ISBE Performance Descriptors: 22. A. E A. H A. I C. F C. G. 6, 9, and C. H. 8 and C. I. 4 and A. E. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and A. F. 3, 4, and A. G. 1, 2, and A. H A. I C. E. 2, 4, and C. F. 1, 2, 3, 4, and C. G. 1, 2, and C. H. 1 and 3
Building Vocabulary bullying labeling intimidation LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment BIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying. I can define bullying. I can explain what intimidation looks like. I can identify bullying if it was happening in or out of school. Lesson Home harassment sexual harassment gender discrimination
LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Lesson Home In your notebook write the number 1-10, then answer the following questions honestly with a yes or no answer. 1.Bullying can happen to any student. 2.I have been a victim of bullying. 3.I have been the bully. 4.I have witnessed bullying. 5.I have been a victim of cyberbullying. 6.I have been a cyberbully. 7.I have witnessed cyber bullying. 8.I watched someone being bullied and didn’t do anything about it. 9.I watched someone being bullied and did something about it. 10. I have told a trusted adult about a bullying situation.
Minutes: 8:00
Bullying Statistics: There is noticeably more bullying in junior high school (grades 6, 7, and 8) than in high school. Cyberbullying for junior high students is the least prominent type of bullying, but it is greater in the last three years of high school. The most common place for bullying to occur is inside schools. Bullying: A type of violence in which one person uses threats, taunts, or violence to intimidate another again and again LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Lesson Home New Vocabulary
Types of bullying include: (Pick one example to write down) Physical bullying—hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping/pushing, taking personal belongings, or making mean or rude hand gestures Verbal bullying—teasing, labeling, taunting, or making threats to physically harm Psychological bullying—intimidation, spreading rumors, isolating a person, or threatening to use force, embarrassing in public LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Lesson Home Labeling: Name-calling New Vocabulary Intimidation: Purposely frightening another person through threatening words, looks, or body language.
What are Bullying Behaviors? LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Lesson Home
Where Bullying Occurs? Most reported bullying occurs in school buildings. It can also occur in places like the school playground or on the bus, while walking to or from school, in your neighborhood, or on the Internet. LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Lesson Home Where at CJHS do you see bullying occur? Where outside of CJHS do you see bullying occur?
Lesson 1 Activity LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Apply Your younger sibling tells you about a “really funny kid” who just came to his school. He explains that this new person gets a laugh by knocking other students’ books out of their hands. How would you explain to your younger sibling that this action is inappropriate behavior? Thinking Critically Lesson Home
What is Harassment? Harassment: Ongoing conduct that offends another person by criticizing his or her race, color, religion, physical disability, or gender LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Harassment is defined by Federal civil rights law. It protects against harassment based on a person’s: national origin race skin color gender age religious beliefs Lesson Home New Vocabulary
What is Harassment? Harassment that involves behavior or remarks of a sexual nature is called sexual harassment. Write down an example of sexual harassment in your notes. Sexual Harassment: Uninvited and unwelcome sexual conduct directed at another person LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Lesson Home New Vocabulary
A type of conduct related to harassment is gender discrimination. Gender discrimination can be directed at a male or a female. You should not judge a person based upon his or her gender. Gender Discrimination: Singling out or excluding a person based on gender LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Lesson Home New Vocabulary
How Can I Respond to Harassment? If you are a target of harassment, here are some strategies you can use to stop the harassment: Tell the person to stop. Use an assertive communications style. Let your parents or other guardians know what is happening. If the harassment continues, report it to a trusted adult. LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Lesson Home
Why Do Teens Get Bullied? Reasons that teens may be targeted by bullies include: Considered to be different. Considered to be weak or unable to defend themselves. Considered to be annoying or provoking. Depressed, anxious, or insecure with low self-esteem. Less popular than others and having few friends. Unable to get along well with others. LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Lesson Home
Why Do Teens Become Bullies? LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Some reasons why teens may become bullies include: To fit in with a group. To feel superior. To avoid being bullied themselves. Lack of tolerance of others who are different. Lack of parent supervision. Lesson Home
What are the Effects of Bullying? LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Teens who are bullied are more likely to experience: Feelings of fear, helplessness, depression, loneliness. Low self-esteem due to repeated put- downs. Missing or skipping school. Dropping out of school. Various health problems. Changes in sleep patterns. Self-harm. Lesson Home What does self-harm mean to you?
What are the Effects of Bullying? LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Even a bully may experience negative effects that may include: Low self-esteem. Likelihood of dropping out of school. Problems with violence. Problems with substance abuse. Problems with the law. Lesson Home
Minutes: 2:30
Identify: Talk with a partner at your table- Name the forms of bullying. Lesson 1 Review LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment After You Read Lesson Home
Identify Name the forms of bullying. Lesson 1 Review LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment After You Read Lesson Home Physical, verbal, and psychological
Recall: With your table members- What are some forms of harassment? Lesson 1 Review LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment After You Read Lesson Home
Recall What are some forms of harassment? Cat calling, jokes, written comments, and gestures Lesson 1 Review LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment After You Read Lesson Home
Lesson 1 Review LESSON 1 Bullying and Harassment Describe Write a short paragraph (5 sentences) about a teen being bullied and how the teen feels as a result. Have the story end with steps that you think a teen might take to end the bullying. Once you are done share your story with a partner at your table. Thinking Critically Lesson Home
Building Vocabulary cyberbullying LESSON 2 and 3 Cyberbullying BIG IDEA Cyberbullying through technology is a growing problem among teens that causes harm and humiliation. I can define cyberbullying. I can explain how to stop cyberbulling. Lesson Home bullying behavior
How is Technology Used to Bully? Cyberbullying: The electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person often done anonymously LESSON 2 Cyberbullying Cyberbullying uses electronic technology. Examples include: Social media sites Text messages s Instant messages Chat rooms Websites Online gaming sites Lesson Home New Vocabulary
LESSON 2 Cyberbullying Have you ever experienced cyberbulling on any of the following social media sites? Facebook Instagram Snap Chat Tumblr Twitter Skype Texting Lesson Home In your notes write down one time your were cyberbullied or the cyberbully and write how you felt afterwards.
Cyberbullying vs. Bullying LESSON 2 Cyberbullying Cyberbullying can be anonymous and can be difficult to trace. Cyberbullying can reach a wider audience very quickly. Cyberbullying can be active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Harassing messages, texts, and pictures are extremely difficult to delete after they have been posted online or sent. Lesson Home
Effects of Cyberbullying: Teens who are cyberbullied are more likely to: Use alcohol and drugs. Skip school. Experience in-person bullying. Be unwilling to attend school. Receive poor grades. Have lower self-esteem. Have more health problems. LESSON 2 Cyberbullying Lesson Home
LESSON 2 Cyberbullying Lesson Home Write down 2 do’s to stop cyber- bulling
List: In your notes- Name the communication tools used by cyberbullies. Lesson 2 Review LESSON 2 Cyberbullying After You Read Lesson Home
List Name the communication tools used by cyberbullies. Computers, cell phones, chat rooms, and tablets Lesson 2 Review LESSON 2 Cyberbullying After You Read Lesson Home
Lesson 2 Review LESSON 2 Cyberbullying Compare and Contrast: In your notes- What is the difference between cyberbullying and traditional bullying? Thinking Critically Lesson Home
Lesson 2 Review LESSON 2 Cyberbullying Compare and Contrast What is the difference between cyberbullying and traditional bullying? Cyberbullying is not face to face Thinking Critically Lesson Home
Communication: Write it in your notes and then share with a partner at your table- A friend of yours has been receiving humiliating text messages about his/her appearance. He/She is being called ugly, fat, hideous, and a loser. What advice would you give him/her on handling this cyberbullying? Write a "To Do" list of strategies for your friend. Lesson 2 Review LESSON 2 Cyberbullying Applying Health Skills Lesson Home
Minutes: 1:47
How Should I Stop a Bully? LESSON 3 Strategies to Stop Bullying Lesson Home Write down 3 Do’s to stop a bully in your notes! What have you done in the past to stop a bully?
On-the-Spot Strategies If you are a target, here are some ways to stop the bullying when it is happening: LESSON 3 Strategies to Stop Bullying Tell the bully to stop. Try humor. Walk away and stay away. Avoid physical violence. Find an adult. Lesson Home
Strategies for the Future To avoid being bullied in the future you can: LESSON 3 Strategies to Stop Bullying Talk to an adult you trust. Telling someone can help you feel less alone. They can also help you make a plan to stop the bullying. Avoid places where you know bullies may wait to target other students. Stairwells, hallways, courtyards without supervision, and playground areas can be risky locations. Stay with a group or find a safe place to go. Bullies are less likely to target a student who is not alone. What trusted adults should you talk to at CJHS? Lesson Home
Stop Bullying Behavior: LESSON 3 Strategies to Stop Bullying BIG IDEA Some teens may need help recognizing bullying behavior. Stop and think about what you say before you say it. If you feel like being mean to someone, think about why you feel this way. Talk to a trusted adult. Remember that our differences make us interesting. If you have bullied someone, apologize to that person. Bullying Behavior: actions or words that are designed to hurt another person Lesson Home New Vocabulary
List: In your notes- Name two ways to stop bullying behavior. Lesson 3 Review LESSON 3 Strategies to Stop Bullying After You Read Lesson Home
List Name two ways to stop bullying behavior. Talk to a trusted adult or walk away from the bully. Lesson 3 Review LESSON 3 Strategies to Stop Bullying After You Read Lesson Home
Lesson 3 Review LESSON 3 Strategies to Stop Bullying Describe: Discuss your answer at your table- What would you do to keep yourself safe on the bus and walking home from school if you were worried about being bullied outside of school? Thinking Critically Lesson Home
Communication Skills: Discuss with a partner at your table: Your new classmate, Seth, is having trouble with a student who is bullying and teasing him. Seth feels uncomfortable facing the bully. What strategies would you offer Seth to help him deal with this problem? Explain why. Lesson 3 Review LESSON 3 Strategies to Stop Bullying Applying Health Skills Lesson Home
Chapter 8 Violence Prevention: Lesson 1
ISBE State Standards/Goals: State Goal: 22. D. 3a Identify and communicate with others within your school, family, and community regarding health issues. State Goal: 24. A. 3a Describe possible causes and consequences of conflict and violence among youth in schools and communities. State Goal: 24. A. 3b Demonstrate methods for addressing interpersonal differences without harm State Goal: 24. C. 3a Apply refusal and negotiation skills to potentially harmful situations.