Dileptons and Photons K. Dusling and I. Z. BNL 09
Outline Motivation Rates Evolution Experiments
NA45: 95
NA60: 03
Phenix: 07
Rate: Formally
Acceptance: NA60 vs PHENIX
Hadronic Rates
Dilepton Production l+ l- l+ l-
Expand in Stable Hadrons +2+3, …-Pi, +2+3, …-K Resonance Gas: J=ρ+ρ’ , …-N
Many Feyman Graphs: + + …
How to reduce
Asymptotics: Broken CS
In Practice: NF=2 Chiral Limit and zero-mtm pion:
VA Mixing=LxR Restoration? Dey, Eletsky, Ioffe 96
Expansion Parameter: = 0 Dilute!
2-pion Final state:
ΠV and ΠA
Data : e+e- Decay.
1 Nucleon Final State = 1 Loop ChPT N- Transition +
Input at the Photon Point N background
VA Mixing in T=180 MeV
VA Mixing in a 1 a 1 T=150 MeV μb=225 MeV
QGP Rates
wQGP: l+ l-l- l-
wQGP: LPM Effect: Aurenche et al 02
wQGP: γ Collinear Enhancement+ LPM Effect : Arnold, Moore, Yaffe 01
sQGP: OPE Hansson and Zahed 91
Hydro Evolution
Hydro Parameters SPS, RHIC and LHC
Fireball: NA60
Thermal Freeze-out Cooper-Frye
Chemical Freezeout: Fireball cools faster x Rates higher = w/μπ !
NA60 : dN/dη=140
Pt Spectra: Intermediate
NA60 dimuons : Upshots 1.Hadronic emission dominant: VA mixing 2.Partonic emission small: tiny QGP 3.Blue shifted spectra (M=rho): small Lh? 1.Hadronic emission dominant: VA mixing 2.Partonic emission small: tiny QGP 3.Blue shifted spectra (M=rho): small Lh?
Phenix: Dileptons
pT spectra: Wπ+Wππ
PHENIX Dusling+Z 07 Dusling+Z 09
PHENIX DI-electrons : Upshots 1.Hadronic large but Filtered: M<500 MeV 2.Partonic large and dominant: 100<M<250 !! 3.Hadronic large and dominant: M=ρ-ω-φ 4.Non-thermal emission: 300<M<500 MeV. Another DLS-like puzzle? 1.Hadronic large but Filtered: M<500 MeV 2.Partonic large and dominant: 100<M<250 !! 3.Hadronic large and dominant: M=ρ-ω-φ 4.Non-thermal emission: 300<M<500 MeV. Another DLS-like puzzle?
Phenix: Photons
Versus Kinetic Turbide, Rapp, Gale 04; Liu, Rapp 07
WA98 0<qT (GeV) <4 0<qT (GeV)<0.8 N:x2
PHENIX extrapolation
Systematics of the Extrapolation 15% Systematics!
LHC: √s=5.5 TeV 0<qT(GeV)<2 1<qT (GeV)<5
WA98 and PHENIX Photons : Upshots 1.WA98: Hadronic emission of photons dominated by hadrons: M<2 GeV 2.PHENIX, LHC: Hadrons dominant for M<1GeV. QGP ‘visible’ around 1.5GeV. 1.WA98: Hadronic emission of photons dominated by hadrons: M<2 GeV 2.PHENIX, LHC: Hadrons dominant for M<1GeV. QGP ‘visible’ around 1.5GeV.