The Emmaus Road Luke 24: 13-35
Re-telling the Story Adults to re-tell the story – Pass the roving mic. around – Each tell only one small part of the story – Sneaking looks at your Bible is not permitted! Kids to check that the adults tell it right – Check along in Luke 24:13-35 – Make sure they don’t sneak a look at their Bibles
When did the two disciples feel… Offended/annoyed? Growing feeling of excitement? Total Amazement Great sadness, disappointment and depression? Over the moon and relieved that they weren't going crazy?
Three applications… 1. The importance of Scripture (Vs 25-27, 32) – ‘all’ Scripture points to Jesus (Vs 25) – Needs to be studied and believed (Vs 25) – When properly understood and believed, will cause our ‘hearts to burn within us’ (Vs 32)
Three applications… 2. God invests in the ‘The little guys’ – Who is this ‘Cleopas’ (Vs 18)? Who’s the other guy? – Jesus appeared to Peter (Vs 34) but we have no record of that. – If you are small and insignificant…. God is interested in you.
Three applications… 3. Recognising Jesus is everything – They didn’t recognise him at first (Vs 16) – They said he was ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ a ‘prophet, powerful in word and deed’ (Vs 19) – Jesus showed them he was ‘the Christ’ (Vs 26) – Their eyes were opened by God (Vs 31) – Then they could call him ‘the Lord’ (Vs 34)