بمراحم الرب أغني أزال مخاوفي مني عن حقه يخبر فمي منحني سعادة أبدية (I will sing of the mercies of the Lord My mouth will speak of His truth My mouth will.


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Presentation transcript:

بمراحم الرب أغني أزال مخاوفي مني عن حقه يخبر فمي منحني سعادة أبدية (I will sing of the mercies of the Lord My mouth will speak of His truth My mouth will speak of His truth He rid me of my fears and granted me eternal joy) and granted me eternal joy) (I will sing of the mercies of the Lord My mouth will speak of His truth My mouth will speak of His truth He rid me of my fears and granted me eternal joy) and granted me eternal joy)

من في السماء يعادله من على الأرض يشابهه مهابته تكلله ابن الأحضان الأزلية (Who in heaven compares with Him? Who on earth is like Him? His majesty crowns Him the Son of the eternal embrace) (Who in heaven compares with Him? Who on earth is like Him? His majesty crowns Him the Son of the eternal embrace)

بمراحم الرب أغني أزال مخاوفي مني عن حقه يخبر فمي منحني سعادة أبدية (I will sing of the mercies of the Lord My mouth will speak of His truth He rid me of my fears and granted me eternal joy) (I will sing of the mercies of the Lord My mouth will speak of His truth He rid me of my fears and granted me eternal joy)

له ذراع القدرة له يمين العزة اسمه رب النعمة من قد أعطاني الحرية اسمه رب النعمة من قد أعطاني الحرية (His arm is powerful His right hand is exceedingly strong His name is the Lord of Grace The one who gave me freedom) (His arm is powerful His right hand is exceedingly strong His name is the Lord of Grace The one who gave me freedom)

بمراحم الرب أغني أزال مخاوفي مني عن حقه يخبر فمي منحني سعادة أبدية (I will sing of the mercies of the Lord My mouth will speak of His truth He rid me of my fears and granted me eternal joy) (I will sing of the mercies of the Lord My mouth will speak of His truth He rid me of my fears and granted me eternal joy)

ملوك الأرض يسجدون له بخشوع يخضعون من غيره هزم المنون يسوع فادي البشرية (The kings of the earth worship; In reverence they submit Who other than He defeated death Jesus the Redeemer of mankind) (The kings of the earth worship; In reverence they submit Who other than He defeated death Jesus the Redeemer of mankind)

بمراحم الرب أغني أزال مخاوفي مني عن حقه يخبر فمي منحني سعادة أبدية (I will sing of the mercies of the Lord My mouth will speak of His truth He rid me of my fears and granted me eternal joy) (I will sing of the mercies of the Lord My mouth will speak of His truth He rid me of my fears and granted me eternal joy)