Experiment Rosen07: Measurement of R = L / T on Deuterium in the Nucleon Resonance Region. Physics Data Analysis Cross Section calculation L/T Separations Ibrahim H. Albayrak Hampton University
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting 2 ROSEN07 (E06-009) is the second phase of the experiment JAN05(E04-001) with higher Q 2 data. ROSEN07 is combination of two experiments: Measurement ofR = L / T on Deuterium in the Nucleon Resonance Region.(I.Albayrak) Measurement of R = L / T on Deuterium in the Nucleon Resonance Region.(I.Albayrak) Measurement ofR = L / T on Nuclear targets in the Nucleon Resonance Region.(Vahe Mamyan) Measurement of R = L / T on Nuclear targets in the Nucleon Resonance Region.(Vahe Mamyan) JAN05 is combination of two experiments: Measurement ofR = L / T on Deuterium in the Nucleon Resonance Region.(Ya Li) Measurement of R = L / T on Deuterium in the Nucleon Resonance Region.(Ya Li) Measurement ofR = L / T on Nuclear targets in the Nucleon Resonance Region.(Ya Li) Measurement of R = L / T on Nuclear targets in the Nucleon Resonance Region.(Ya Li) ROSEN07 and JAN05 experiments
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting F L, F 1, F 2 and R fundamental Structure Function Measurements on Deuterium. - These structure functions provide us important information about internal structure of nucleon, i. e. distribution of quarks and gluons inside the nucleus. Since these are fundamental measurements, they allow a variety of physics issues to be addressed, such as: – Structure Function Moments Lattice QCD comparisons Singlet and non-singlet distribution functions – Quark-hadron duality studies Deuterium/neutron – Support Broad Range of Deuteron Physics Spin structure functions BONUS (BOund NUcleon Structure) neutron structure functions - Hall B experiment for NEUTRON cross sections via spectator tagging. Physics Physics Motivation
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Structure functions (F1 and F2) which have the Information of the nucleon’s internal structure. Physics of Interest (Nucleon Structure) Calculable in Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) { Physics Structure Functions: F1, F2, FL 4
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Where: = flux of transversely polarized virtual photons = relative longitudinal flux Rosenbluth Separation Technique: PhysicslongitudinalTransverse
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Physics Moments of the Structure Functions Cornwall-Norton moments of the SFs are defined as M 1 1 gives the quark charges. M 2 2 gives the total momentum of the quarks.
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting The non-singlet moments can only be determined from differences of proton and neutron moments. The non-singlet moments can only be determined from differences of proton and neutron moments. Assuming a charge-symmetric sea, n-p isolates the non-singlet Assuming a charge-symmetric sea, n-p isolates the non-singlet WhereWhere Need to pin down non-singlet (n-p) to extract singlet. Need to pin down non-singlet (n-p) to extract singlet. Moments Calculated on the lattice at Q 2 = 4 GeV 2 M d – 2M p = ∫ x n-2 (F d ∙ f – 2F p )dx yields non-singlet distribution Physics Moments of the Structure Functions.n Hall C Measurements Niculescu et.all Hall B Measurements Osipenko et.all Lattice QCD Calculations Detmold et.all (17)0.050(9)0.059(8) (3)0.0094(16)0.008(3)
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting JAN05 ROSEN07 New data with higher Q 2 And new epsilon points for LT separation Physics ROSEN07 experiment is the second phase of this experiment, the first phase was JAN05 experiment… Purely New data with high Q 2 above 3 GeV 8
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Current Status and Update Detector Calibrations Kinematic Corrections Dead Times Efficiencies Background Estimation and Subtraction: Target Density Correction Acceptance Corrections Bin-centering corrections Radiative corrections Iteration Procedure Systematic Uncertainties Extracting Differential Cross Sections Doing Rosenbluth L/T Separation Moment extraction N-p analysis 9 Experiment & Data analysis
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Data to Monte Carlo simulation comparisons… Experiment & Data analysis 10
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Experiment & Data analysis Drift Chamber Positions Offsets Checked optics elements, magnets fields, matrix elements and no difference found from previous data. Significantly different from previous data!!! Could it be because of DC offsets?
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Offsets for Drift Chamber Positions Experiment & Data analysis Before After After correction y pos gets narrow, which indicates that we are doing the right thing. After putting the relative offset 0.45 mm for Y position we get better comparison! 12
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Offsets for Drift Chamber Positions Experiment & Data analysis Using alternative Cosy marix elements in the analyzer at low E’ at the edge of the acceptance removes the most of the discrepancy! Even after putting the DC offset, there is still a shape difference at low E’ region! 13 Before After
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Experiment & Data analysis Monte Carlo ratio method is used to extract data cross sections: We can simulate Monte Carlo data using a cross section model to obtain And yield for the data can be written as: Taking ratio to data and assuming that A MC = A, yields Cross Sections Extraction Method Peter Bosted and Eric Christy’s deuterium fit parameterization used as the input model. And this data has helped in the development of this model.
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Experiment & Data analysis Representative Sample Cross Sections 15
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Experiment & Data analysis 16 Representative Sample Cross Sections
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Experiment & Data analysis 17 Representative Sample Cross Sections
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting And L/T Separations… 18 Experiment & Data analysis Here is some almost final Rosenbluth separation plots for 3 different W 2, Q 2 pairs
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Structure Functions (Preliminary) Structure functions F 2 and F L at Q 2 = 2 GeV. 19 Experiment & Data analysis Quasielastic contribution shown by red line.
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Structure Functions (Preliminary) 20 Experiment & Data analysis Quasielastic contribution subtracted (not completely?). Structure functions F 2 and F L at Q 2 = 2 GeV (quasielastic contribution subtracted).
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Methodology of extraction of moments of Structure Functions 21 Experiment & Data analysis
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Moments of the Structure Functions (Preliminary) 22 Experiment & Data analysis Rosen07 F 2 data is combined with the previous data from SLAC and NMC.
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Moments of the Structure Functions (Preliminary) 23 Experiment & Data analysis n=2,4 and 6 moments of the structure function F 2 at Q 2 = 2 GeV.
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Moments of the Structure Functions (Preliminary) 24 Experiment & Data analysis n=2,4 and 6 moments of the structure function F 2 at Q 2 = 4 GeV.
Ibrahim H. Albayrak, January 2011 HallC Collaboration Meeting Summary Calibrations have been done. Charge symmetric background subtraction, radiative corrections and other corrections have been done. Preliminary L/T separations have already been done. Structure functions R, F 1, F 2 and F L have been extracted (preliminary) Moments of the structure functions extracted (preliminary) What is left: n-p analysis 25 Experiment & Data analysis