Performance Management: Expectations + Training + Accountability = Improved Performance
The Pay for Performance Theory Mission Core Values Vision Strategy Pay For Performance Strategic Initiatives Personal Objectives Outcomes What we do to exist. What we believe in. What we want to be. Our Game Plan Motivate necessary behaviors to implement strategy. What we need to do. What I need to do. Satisfied Partners Happy Customers Effective Processes Motivated Employees
WHY PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT? Where do you stand today?
We have a clearly defined performance process. 1.Yes 2.No
Training and Coaching Meeting Prep Performance Meeting Looking Back Performance Meeting Looking Forward
Training and Coaching Meeting Prep Performance Meeting Looking Back Performance Meeting Looking Forward
How much time do you spend preparing for a performance evaluation? 1. > 2 hours 2.1 – 2 hours 3.< 1 hour 4.Prepare for what?
Meeting Preparation (Supervisor) Gather all relevant information Be clear with examples & situations Past evaluations Self evaluations Mentor feedback Be On Time!
Meeting Preparation (Employee) Let them schedule the time Prepare their self evaluation Prepare their goals Gather their questions for you
We Have Job Descriptions for every position within the firm. 1.Yes 2.No
Goals???? Huh….. Look at the strategic plan Job description Projects Committee’s Interpersonal skills Balanced Scorecard Approach
Balanced Scorecard
Financial Increase my billable hours Increase clients in the consulting division Increase my rate per hour. Increase my billable hours by 10% Increase my client base by 5 with an average revenue of $10,000 Increase my rate per hour to $140.
Clients Improve client service with my clients. Increase time spent with top 20% of clients Increase service offerings to the top 20% of clients Improve Net Promoter Client Score with my clients to 7 in 2010 Complete the DOS Conversation with top 20% of clients Cross sell one new service to 25% of firm's existing clients
Internal Processes Consistent paperless processes implemented across the firm Owner/Manager Communication firm wide strengthened Increased ability to segment client market Develop written paperless process and decrease paper by 25% Conduct a Partner/Manager meeting on the first Friday of every month Research and implement a CRM system for the firm by 6/30/2010
Learning/Growth Develop an individual learning plan. Consistent ongoing training for all staff Team members have peer interaction and coaching Develop my learning plan by 4/30/2010 Implement a monthly lunch and learn book club – 3 rd Wednesday Act as a peer mentor for 2 staff members on a monthly basis
Every staff member has clearly defined goals and performance measures.. 1.Yes 2.No
Training and Coaching Meeting Prep Performance Meeting Looking Back Performance Meeting Looking Forward
How often do you hold formal performance reviews with your staff? 1.Annually 2.Semi Annually (2x) 3.Seasonally (3x) 4.Quarterly (4x) 5.Other
Checklist for Performance Conversation Start with Something Positive Review Past Goals and adjust if necessary Don’t forget work ethic, attitude, character etc… Next period goals – technical and training Seek their questions and comments The Firm Question!
Are you on the same page? 1.YOU – Write down the 5 most important performance goals for the employee. 2.EMPLOYEE – Write down the 5 most important performance goals that are expected of you. 3.COMPARE….. And prepare to be surprised.
Get comfortable with the hard conversations: Step #1: Inquiry Step #2: Acknowledgment Step #3: Advocacy Step #4: Problem-Solving
Performance Management Systems
Our training program links directly to our performance management system. 1.Yes 2.No
Training and Coaching Meeting Prep Performance Meeting Looking Back Performance Meeting Looking Forward
The Firm Teaching/Learning Model F i r m C u l t u r e PerformancePerformance Low High 1 Easy Decision – Terminate 4 Leader - Star 3 Tough Decision Resist change Arrogant Abuse authority Treat staff poorly Do not develop others 2 Give 2 nd Chance © Boomer Consulting, Inc. Training Learning Teamwork Focus Culture
Training Plan (Not just CPE) Technical: expertise building Technology: software and other tools Management: personal, people & project Marketing: appropriate to level
Our Supervisors are well trained in performing coaching and crucial (hard) conversations. 1.Yes 2.No
Coaching Giving real-time feedback Reinforce positive activity Correct errant activity Employee’s should NEVER be surprised!
Show Respect By Being on Time and Not Allowing Interruptions. This Is the Most Important Thing You Are Doing Right Now.
Thank you!