How Can Matter Be Changed? SRT-2: Carmen Clark, Priscilla Gipson, Lisa Hill, Cecil Jackson, Gina Wilson
Pre-test Distribute the United Streaming Pre-test Ask students to complete only questions 1-4 These questions will serve to preview to the material students will be learning in the video.
United Streaming Video Visit and type the title of this task (Matter and Its Properties: Changes In Matter) into the search bar. Watch the first two segments (Intro. & Physical Change) of the streaming video. The section is short (4 min and 13 sec). Next, re-watch the video segments with the Pre-test in hand. Check your answers to the first 4 questions.
Physical & Chemical Change Journal Have students answer the following discussion questions in their Physical and Chemical Change journal: 1. What is a physical change? 2. What are some examples of physical changes in matter? Encourage students to illustrate one or two physical changes they saw in the video segment.
Creating Physical & Chemical Journal 1.Create front and back copies the blank journal page included following these directions. 2.Provide each student with 8 blank pages and a single piece of construction paper or colored paper. 3.Fold each in half the “hamburger” way. 4.Staple along the spine to hold the pages and cover in place. 5.Provide each student with a blank table of contents card to glue/tape behind the front cover. 6.Have student write Chemical & Physical Changes Journal and their name on the cover. 7.Under the title have students write the unit EQ: How can matter be changed?
United Streaming Video Ask students to complete only questions 5-7 on the United Streaming Pre-test These questions will serve to preview to the material students will be learning in the video. Put the pre-test aside and watch video segment 3 (Chemical Change). Re-watch segment reviewing your answers for questions 5-7.
Physical & Chemical Change Journal Have students answer the following discussion questions in their journal: 1. What is a chemical change? 2. What are some examples of chemical changes in matter? Encourage students to illustrate one or two chemical changes they saw in the video segment.
Group Discussion Have students to share some of the observations they recorded in their journals.
K-W-L Chart Complete a K-W-L chart as a class. Draw a large outline of a “K,” “W,” and “L” on chart paper. Provide each group with small sticky notes. Have the groups write information on the sticky notes and post on the “K”, “W”, and “L” on the poster. Bring the whole class together to share the information they posted. Discuss the common observations and questions. As you progress through the unit.
K-W-L Chart