Welcome to Roundwood School Tingewick Site Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1 Gawcott Site Key Stage 2
How the school runs Foundation, Year 1 & Year 2 are based at the Tingewick site. Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 are based at the Gawcott site. Mrs Eales is the Headteacher of the school and oversees both sites by splitting her time accordingly. Year on year staff move across both sites according to need and professional development. Mrs Tattersfield is based in the Tingewick office. Mrs Irvine is based in the Gawcott office.
Timeline from now until September Visits to Pre-school Mrs Kent has visited the children at pre-school and will visit the children again next half term. Children visit school with Pre-schools The children have started to visit the school on alternate Tuesday mornings. After half term the children will come to school every Tuesday morning. These sessions will give the children the opportunity to get to know other children who will be in the class and to familiarise themselves with the classroom and Foundation Stage staff.
Timeline from now until September Continued Induction day & Picnic The children will come to school on the 7 th July from 9.00am to 12.00pm. Please come into the classroom with your child to help them to choose an activity. When you feel they are ready you can leave them with us and return, with a picnic at 12.00pm. Completing forms Please complete all forms you received in your Welcome Pack and return them to school before the induction day.
Timeline from now until September Continued First day in September Please bring your child to the back playground at around 8.40am. The bell will ring at 8.45am. When the bell rings Mrs Kent will come to the door to let you all in. Please help your child to put their coat away and then come into the classroom. Help your child to choose an activity and then when you feel they are settled please leave them with us. If your child is having a packed lunch. Please bring this in a labelled lunchbox and put it on the counter next to the sink in the classroom. Collect your child from the back playground at 3.00pm.
Organisation in Foundation Staff Mrs Kent is the Foundation Stage Teacher and there are currently an additional two teaching assistants working in the classroom. The number of additional adults is dependent upon the number of children in the classroom. Classroom set up and organisation in Foundation The inside and outside learning areas are organised so that children can access resources independently. Children are supported to select resources and to treat them with care. Throughout the day there are opportunities for the children to join in with ‘adult directed’ activities and for ‘child initiated learning’.
Organisation in Foundation Learning journeys We will be using an online learning journey called ‘Tapestry’. Observations we make of your children will be shared with you by . Parents are encouraged to comment on these observations and also to share their own observations of their children on a weekly basis. Stay and play These sessions are an opportunity for you to join your child in the classroom from 8.45 to 9.45 on the first Friday of every month. Outside learning The children have access to the outside learning environment throughout the day and in all weathers. Suitable outdoor clothing are essential.
Other general information School day School day starts at 8.45 and finishes at 3.00pm. The children have lunch from 12.00pm – 1.00pm. Please bring children to the back playground in time for the bell to ring at 8.45am. Uniform The children all wear school uniform. This includes grey trousers, pinafore dress or skirt, a white polo shirt and a red school cardigan or jumper. Tights should be red or grey and socks should be grey for boys or white for girls. Black school shoes should be worn. Please see the uniform order form within your pack.
Other general information School lunches Your child is entitled to free hot meals whilst in FS and Key Stage 1. If you would prefer your child to have a packed lunch then they can bring a lunchbox to school each day. Farm visits We visit ‘Rectory Farm’ in Water Stratford regularly throughout the year. The children are required to have appropriate clothes in school for these visits. Milk Milk is free for all children until their 5 th Birthday. If you would like your child to receive milk please order it using the cool milk website.
Other general information Communication You will receive a weekly school newsletter and class newsletter via . Please read these carefully each week. If you need to contact us please the school office. Attendance Children are expected to attend school on a full time basis. Holidays should be taken during school holidays. Collecting children from school If you arrange for another adult to collect your child from school please inform us by telling us in the morning or by ing or phoning the school office.
Other general information Parent forum We have started a Parent’s Forum which will give you the opportunity to find out more about what is happening in Foundation and to be involved in decision making. Medical issues or other information you need to share with us If your child has any medical conditions please let us know or if there are any changes in circumstances which you feel may impact on your child please come and talk to us.
How you can help Helping your child to be more independent Dress independently Take clothes off and put on, including tights and socks. Recognise their own clothes so that they do not get muddled up. Fasten and unfasten shoes. Managing their own personal needs Help your child to learn to go to the toilet independently and to wash their hands afterwards. Eating independently Help you child learn to use a knife and fork to cut up their food and to eat. If they are going to have a packed lunch teach them how to open packets and to peel fruit themselves.
How you can help Recognise and write own name Provide opportunities for your child to recognise their own name and to begin writing their name. It is important that the letters are formed correctly. Please focus on one letter at a time and demonstrate the correct formation rather than writing it for them to copy. Recognise and be able to count numbers Provide lots of opportunities for counting. Encourage your child to line up objects to count and to touch each one. Look for numbers around them and talk about what they are used for.
How you can help Learning to read and write Share lots of stories with your children and talk about their experiences. For children to be good writers they need to be able to express themselves clearly first and using a wide vocabulary. If you have any concerns about your child’s speech or language please come and speak to us. Establish a regular time for sharing books. This will help when your children begin to read if you have a daily time slot dedicated to sharing books. Encourage your children to join in with the text and to talk about the story. Perhaps they could think of an alternative ending? Talk about the activities you enjoy together. This will help them to thing about the order things happen and to organise their ideas.
How you can help Oral blending and Segmenting For children to be able to read and spell they need to be able to split words up into the sounds they are made from e.g. dog = d-o-g. Try to play lots of games that help your children to do this. To begin with say the sounds and encourage your child to blend them together and then when they can do this encourage them to say the sounds. There are lots of ways to do this including ‘Simon Says’ and ‘I Spy’ Please have a look at the school website for a link to a video showing how each sound should be pronounced. There is also a link to the Jolly Phonics songs we teach the children to help them to pronounce the sounds correctly.
Any questions?
Contact Us School Website Foundation Stage address Office address School Office Telephone Numbers Gawcott (01280) Tingewick (01280)