Radiation Level Mapping Using An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Reducing Human Exposure in Dangerous Environments
System Block Diagram
UAV Platform Gaui Quadrocoptor – High lift capacity Large battery for extended range Can carry Geiger counter – Uses Ardupilot Open source Easy to integrate custom sensors
Ardupilot Wireless Telemetry using Xbee Serial Communication with Geiger counter circuit Gain tuning for project specific airframes
Geiger Counter Geiger-Muller tube to detect radiation Analog circuitry to filter signal – Single pole low pass filter
Cortex-M0 Precise time base for Geiger counts Offload some of the responsibility from the Ardupilot Fully interrupt driven Buffered counter – Reduce spikes – Ability to measure background radiation levels
KML Writer Record data from Quadrocopter GPS and Geiger counter while in flight Generate map of flight path and Radiation levels
Problems and Deviations from Original Plan No obstacle avoidance – Reduced the scope of project in order to complete other goals Crashes – Airframe breakage & rebuild – Circuitry damage & replacement
Special Thanks Andrew Karpenko – Loaned Xbee Modules Tom – Installaed necessary software on lab computers