A&R Processes Department Chair Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Overview O Census Rosters O No Show Drops O Late Add Petitions O WebAdvisor Rosters
Census Rosters (what we know) O Printed on census day and placed in faculty boxes O Due one week later O Only no show drops or drops dated before census O Must be signed
What Happens When Census Rosters Aren’t Turned in??? O A&R staff must call, and try to reach faculty (very time consuming) O College funding can’t be correctly calculated O A no show drop processed after financial aid checks are processed may result in overpayment O Audit findings by state auditors O Overpayment by the state (apportionment)
No Show Drops O It is mandatory (by the state) for faculty to drop no show students O Every semester we have students who file appeals saying they never attended O Huge process to adjust records O May result in overpayment by financial aid O May result in overpayment by state (apportionment) O May result in overpayment by VA O College may receive audit finding
WebAdvisor Rosters O Instructors should consistently check their WebAdvisor rosters to ensure that everyone has officially registered O Especially important around census O At the end of the term we hear of faculty who can’t access WebAdvisor… O A&R can help with these issues if faculty are aware they should call us
Late Add Petitions O Students can only use the late add petition process are for 5 business days after census O That’s it!!!!! O Students who attempt to submit a late add petition to A&R in the 6 th or 7 th week of the term are sent away O This process should only be for difficult situations NOT an extension of the deadline
New Webpage for Faculty O Communication with faculty is sometimes difficult because of issues and not all faculty have LMC accounts O Semester faculty memo is VERY long O We need a way to communicate vital information to faculty O We have developed a faculty information page with these important policies listed /