The Learning Cycle Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate It is not necessary to use all the phases of the 5E instructional model in each lesson. Ex: First lesson in a unit may be engagement, next three explorations, and the fifth lesson may be explanation.
Inquiry Process Skills Observing Inferring Measuring Classifying Defining Operationally Predicting Interpreting Data Communicating Identifying Variables
Observation Any information collected with the senses. Quantitative – measureable or countable 3 meters long 4 marbles 50 kilograms 35 degrees Celsius Qualitative – describable, not measureable red flowers smells like fresh baked cookies Tastes bitter The skill of describing scientific events
Inferences Conclusions or deductions based on observations. The process of drawing a conclusion from given evidence. Practice: Observations: I hear people screaming I smell cotton candy, popcorn, and hamburgers I see a lot of people Inference = ?
Look at these two sets of animal tracks. List 2 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE
Now what do you think? Make 2 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE
Now what do you think? Make 2 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE
Classifying Imposing an order on collections, objects, or events Example Activities =
Measuring The way observations are quantified Requires the ability to use measuring instruments properly and the ability to make calculations PropertyInstrumentUnit Length Mass Solid Volume Liquid Volume Temperature
Communicating Essential to all human endeavors and fundamental to scientific work Ways to communicate
Hypotheses and Predictions Hypothesis – a proposed relationship put forth to explain a phenomena EX – Butterflies prefer yellow flowers. Prediction – a specific forecast of a future observation or event; a basis for an experiment EX - If butterflies are presented with white and yellow flowers, then the butterflies will land on the yellow flowers.
Identifying Variables Independent Variable Dependent Variable Controlled Variable
Interpreting data – making predictions, conclusion, inferences, and hypotheses from data collected Defining operationally – defining terms in the context of their own experiences