Bullying Prevention Ms. Martinez 6 th Grade Counselor Ms. H SDSU Counselor Trainee Ms. Rios SDSU Counselor Trainee
Goals of this lesson –Define different types of bullying –Identify people to ask for help –Learn how to get help
What is Bullying? Bullying: Bullying: –is any repeated action targeted to hurt someone else. –is an abuse of power. –can be physical, verbal, or social. California Dept of ED: Bullying at School
Bullying Across the Country Bullying occurs most frequently from 6th to 8th grade. Over 160,000 children miss school for fear of being bullied every day. Crawford, Nicole. New ways to stop bullying, APA Online
What were the four types of bullying? Physical Verbal Social Cyber
Types of Bullying Physical: hitting, kicking, or pushing Verbal: name calling, teasing, threats Social: spreading rumors, ignoring others, telling lies Cyberbulling: Online bullying
What does Bullying look like? Mean or False IM/ /text Facebook Messages Name calling Brags about being tough Spreading rumors Stealing or breaking someone’s things Stealing or breaking someone’s things Rude hand gestures Leaving someone out Intimidati on from gangs Intimidati on from gangs Using foul language Using foul language
Cyber Bullying Spreading rumors via text message or on the internet Posting hurtful comments & pictures
Responsible Internet Use Check messages before you hit send. Avoid sending anything when you are upset. Remember, once you send something, you can’t get it back!
Ways to protect yourself! Your Screen Name, Password, & Phone are like your toothbrush- avoid sharing this info. Tell a trusted adult, teacher, or Counselor PRIVATE
What to do if you are bullied
What not to do if you are bullied. Don’t fight back: Never fight the bully, its not safe and it wont solve the bullying situation. Fighting can only makes things worse. Don’t fight back: Never fight the bully, its not safe and it wont solve the bullying situation. Fighting can only makes things worse. Don’t ignore the bullying situation and hope it will stop. Don’t ignore the bullying situation and hope it will stop.
What to do when others are bullied: Refuse to join in. Refuse to join in. Speak out! Speak out! Be a friend to the person being bullied. Be a friend to the person being bullied. Make an effort to include students who are left out. Make an effort to include students who are left out. What else can you do?
The hidden truth about the bully:
Why do Bullies Bully? Bullies are not bad people- its their behavior that is bad. It’s never too late to make a change!
What to do if you are bullying others? Stop the bullying right now! Stop the bullying right now! If you want respect, show it first. If you want respect, show it first. Talk with adults you trust, tell them about any strong feelings that you have. Talk with adults you trust, tell them about any strong feelings that you have. If you start to feel upset or angry, stop and think. Take a deep breath. If you start to feel upset or angry, stop and think. Take a deep breath.
Thank you Counseling Center Room 252
References Free spirit publishing 217 Fifth Avenue North. Suite 200. Minneapolis, MN , (fax) Allan L. Beane, Ph.D. Free spirit publishing 217 Fifth Avenue North. Suite 200. Minneapolis, MN , (fax) Allan L. Beane, Ph.D