CHAPTER 6 THE KINGDOM OF GOD: Proclaiming the Dream of Jesus
KINGDOM OF GOD Jesus’ description of the rule or reign of God over the hearts of the people. It is an ideal future that implies new relationship between God and people. It is based on unconditional love. It is among us: I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me….
JESUS’ UNDERSTANDING OF GOD Abba – means father Jesus wanted us to act out their love by serving and forgiving others. Universal love – love of all including your enemies. Jesus was opposed to violence.
THE REIGN OF GOD AND THE REIGN OF SIN Original sin – rupture between God and people. Personal sin – personal, freely chosen actions that have negative effects on the sinners as individuals, and on their relationships with others. Communal sin – a social evil that affects all people simply because we live in community with one another (ex. War, poverty, destruction of the environment)
PARABLES Parable – comes from the Greek word meaning comparison. Refers to a variety of Jesus’ sayings, stories, riddles about the Kingdom of God. Can be a story to find and relate meaning.
MIRACLES 1. Healing miracles – Jesus is shown relieving the suffering of people afflicted with fever, paralysis, deafness, dumbness, blindness or leprosy. 2. Exorcisms – Jesus is shown driving evil spirits or demons out of people. 3. Restorations of life – three stories of Jesus’ raising people from the dead. 4. Nature miracles – Jesus’ apparent control over the forces of nature: he walks on water, calms a storm, feeds thousands with just a few loaves and fish…