Kent Atkins is in the middle of his 20 th year at Lander University as the Head Athletic Trainer. He works directly with the men’s basketball, women’s volleyball and Men’s Tennis Team. He also has to over see all health care of all the student athletes.
Another role Atkins takes on is being a clinical instructor for the athletic training major here at Lander. He has also been an instructor for Lander for 20 years.
On top of being the head athletic trainer and a clinical instructor, Atkins also is the associate athletic director and compliance director. He makes sure Lander obeys all rules set forth by the NCAA. Atkins has been working on the compliance side for the past nine years.
His working area is usually crowded with numerous athletes, rehabbing right by his office. This year is probably more crowded than usual with all the injuries to the women’s basketball team having three different players with Torn ACL’s this season. His work days vary depending on the day, but his days usually are done by 6 P.M. on non-game days.
Atkins is a family man. He is married and a father of three children. However, he is always available to the player’s he is responsible for and the players respect him for being dedicated and consistent on a day to day basis.