Chapter 7 Preliminary Construction The broad scope of implementation Preliminary construction in the SDLC Preliminary construction activities Preliminary construction management
The Broad Scope of Implementation Multi-phased Structure Fig 7.1: A Structure of Implementation
The Broad Scope of Implementation Checklist Fig 7.4: Checklist of Implementation Activities
Preliminary Construction in the SDLC Fig 7.2: Preliminary Construction Phase Overview
Preliminary Construction in the SDLC Steps 1.Construct new system software modules and test data 2.Demonstrate the modules to users and project sponsors Activities Prepare physical facilities Install hardware Install/code software Build test files Prepare training materials
Preliminary Construction in the SDLC The activities span multiple project phases Fig 7.5: Preliminary Construction Activities Span Multiple Phases
Preliminary Construction Activities Prepare physical facilities Minimal for PCs, a full-scale construction project for larger systems Install hardware RFPs, vendor proposals, vendor selection
Preliminary Construction Activities Install/code software Development environments Fig 7.6: Coding and Unit Testing Occur in the First of Four Software Staging Environment
Preliminary Construction Activities Install/code software The iterative process of testing Fig 7.7: Software Integration Process: Testing and Revising
Preliminary Construction Activities Install/code software The development sandbox environment should include Short data files Copies of the latest software Copies of JCL language Systems documentation Change log
Preliminary Construction Activities Install/code software Advantages of a development sandbox environment Reduce the chance of introducing errors into the production environment Reduce the risk of not finishing all functions Save time and money Eliminate production environment interference
Preliminary Construction Activities Install/code software Selecting and installing purchased software Table 7.1: Evaluation of Development Languages: JAVA AND C++
Preliminary Construction Activities Install/code software Responsibility for custom coding depends on Availability of development tools Hardware complexity The functionality versus efficiency issue Expected frequency of change and volume of exception reports
Preliminary Construction Activities Install/code software Programming standard guidelines for spreadsheet development Know your problem Design modules top down Keep modules small Document your work Organize your spreadsheet
Preliminary Construction Activities Build test files Testing all transaction combinations using decision logic tables (DLTs) Fig 7.8: The Format of a Decision Logic Table
Preliminary Construction Activities Build test files A “high-level” application example Fig 7.9: A Decision Logic Table of Key Custom Software Decisions
Preliminary Construction Activities Build test files An example of program logic Fig 7.10: A Decision Logic Table of Credit Approval
Preliminary Construction Activities Prepare training materials Advantages of a separate training environment Reduce the chance of introducing errors into the production environment Reduce the risk of not training all functions Save time and money Eliminate interference with production
Preliminary Construction Activities Prepare training materials The training environment should include Short data files that match training instructions Training instructions Feedback of the results of training actions
Preliminary Construction Management Managing project direction Fig 7.11: JAD Review and Confirmation Workshop
Preliminary Construction Management Managing scope, schedule, and resources Fig 7.12: Balancing Scope, Schedule, and Resources