Near-term schedule Scott Horner
Background MCCS software engineering build #3 was delivered in June and tested by the SIL team in early July A number of bugs were identified, preventing tier 4 level testing in the SIL and line operations with this build MCCS software engineering build #4 was added to the schedule – delivery from L3 to DFRC 30 Sept FORCAST completed tier 1-3 testing with EB3 2
IMS:SOFIA_MS090924Dyn.mpp Created 09/25/2009 TA Activation FCF TA Characterization First Light attempt TA Characterization 10% 100% ISF FRR #3 AFSRB Segment 2 “lego” schedule This period was going to be used to integrate FORCAST, balance the TA, test the FORCAST to MCCS software interface, and perform EMI testing of FORCAST FORCAST is not installed until this period. FORCAST installation, MCCS change- over from open door build to EB4, MCCS checkout, and observatory checkout will need to occur prior to the start of line operations. The EMI testing needs to be inserted into the flow of line operations at an appropriate point. Science Flight Platform Flight TA Flight Ground Testing Data Analysis Contingency Flight
FORCAST flow change The silver lining –The previous schedule had MCCS software engineering build #4 arriving just- in time for testing on the aircraft with FORCAST – this represented a high risk to the success of the tests planned for that period –MCCS software engineering build #4 will be tested (tier 1-4) with the FORCAST software in the SIL in November prior to FORCAST delivery or installation on the aircraft 4
Integrated Master Schedule The IMS has been modified to include filters for FORCAST and GREAT tasks –Caveats: The FORCAST tasks in the IMS are not up to date and this has task has priority over my checking the GREAT flow FORCAST flow (SCI-AR-MEM-PM ) – was up to date with the IMS but now needs to be revised based on the new plan GREAT flow – will finish once the FORCAST flow is released FORCAST and HIPO use for TA testing needs to be worked out 5
Filtered FORCAST schedule 6
Segment 2 – Tracking Dates TA Characterization IMS:SOFIA_MS090911ajl.mpp Created 09/14/2009 Science Flight Platform Flight TA Flight Ground Testing Data Analysis Contingency Flight FORCAST and/or HIPO may be utilized for TA characterization during this period. Detailed planning for this period cannot occur until we have TA flight performance data.
Southern Hemisphere Deployment Segment 3 flight phase overview – Tracking Dates LOC FOC Observing Flights Instrument Commissioning Aircraft maintenance/Observatory upgrade Platform flights Germany Deploy either/or IMS:SOFIA_MS090924Dyn.mpp Created 09/25/2009
Lab construction at DAOF SI labs at DAOF are scheduled to be completed in FY10 Should only impact FORCAST – impact should be minor but we need to keep track of both schedules 9
Hangar floorplan 10 Outside Hangar Main entrance
Lab ceiling Most of the labs will have 11’6” (3.5m) ceilings Areas of two of the labs will have 11’ ceilings 11’6” requirement was derived from need to change out fill tubes Most operations that require high ceilings can be done in the PIF area or on the hangar floor if needed 11
Documents Need SI review –TASS specification (SCI-AR-SPE-SE01-040) –Vacuum specification (APP-AR-SPE-SE01-028A) –SI equipment to counterweight rack ICD (SCI-AR-ICD-SE ) –SI cart to facility ICD (SCI-AR-ICD-SE ) –SI cart to aircraft ICD (SOF-AR-ICD-SE ) Available soon –FORCAST integration flow (SCI-AR-MEM-PM ) –GREAT integration flow (SCI-AR-MEM-PM ) For your information –HIPO line operations test report (SCI-US-TRP-SV ) –FORCAST line operations test plan (SCI-US-PLA-SV01-????) –Franziska Harms’ dissertation, “A Contribution to Characterizing and Calibrating the Pointing Control System of the SOFIA Telescope” –Sven Schmid, et al. 2009, Journal of Aircraft Vol. 46, No. 4, July–August 2009 “Passive Control of the Flow Around the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy” –Stefan Brüggenwirth’s dissertation, “Development, Analysis and Verificaiton of the SOFIA Telescope Assembly Software Simulator” – “good reading for background on how the TA actually works” 12