Offshore Europe September 8-11, 2015 ABS Group Offshore Drilling
ABS Group Organizational Overview
ABS Group 1,800 employees Global Presence Onshore Oil & Gas Chemical Manufacturing Power Government Transportation 700 employees Global Presence Offshore Oil & Gas ABS Group provides best practice technical services to the offshore industry. We are committed to improving reliability, efficiency and profitability for our clients while driving safe, responsible, compliant operations. Global Operations ABS Group Offshore ABS Group Services Offshore Overview
Value Proposition Increase/ Protect Shareholder Value Increase/ Protect Shareholder Value Advanced Engineering Management System Certification Asset Performance Optimization Safety, Risk and Compliance Key Services Increase/Protect Operations Revenues Increase/Protect Operations Revenues Decrease/Control Operations Expenses Decrease/Control Operations Expenses Reduce/Reallocate Underutilized Assets Reduce/Reallocate Underutilized Assets Manage Business & Project Risks Manage Business & Project Risks Increase/ Protect Earnings (RONA) Increase/ Protect Earnings (RONA) Protect Workers and the Public Protect Workers and the Public Protect the Environment Protect the Environment Fulfill Other Regulatory/ Legal Responsibilities Fulfill Other Regulatory/ Legal Responsibilities Preserve the License to Operate Preserve the License to Operate Technical Inspection and Verification
ABS Group Clients
“Cradle to Grave” Services Drilling Assets – Concept & Feed At the beginning of your project, ABS Group can provide technical support to help refine key project goals, set milestones and identify specifications to align with applicable regulatory requirements and engineering standards. ConceptFEEDDesign Construc tion Operatio ns Decommissio ning
“Cradle to Grave” Services Drilling Assets – Design & Construction During Design and Construction, ABS Group continues to provide vital independent engineering verification and additional hazard reviews and assessments. ConceptFEEDDesign Construc tion Operatio ns Decommissio ning
“Cra dle to Grave” Services Drilling Assets – Operations & Decommissioning ABS Group support safe and reliable operations throughout the service life. When assets approach the end of their service life, ABS Group helps assess alternatives for decommissioning or life extension. ConceptFEEDDesign Construc tion Operatio ns Decommissio ning
OPERATING COSTS Steadily increasing STAFFING Increasingly complex assets with competent personnel becoming more challenging ASSETS A high number of offshore assets are beyond design life OPERATING PERFORMANCE Reducing downtime is becoming more critical COMPLIANCE Increasingly complex regulatory environment is becoming more demanding Industry Challenges
Design, implement and execute Business Strategies focusing on maintaining contracts and secure new Safety & Compliance Asset Management Cost Control (OPEX and future CAPEX) Process Efficiency & Effectiveness ABS Group Offshore AIM & SRC Program (Asset Integrity Management & Safety Risk Compliance) Is a portfolio of ROI based strategic enablers supporting companies in reaching their corporate targets. Top Priority for Drilling Contractors in 2015
Asset Integrity Management (AIM) Safety, Risk & Compliance (SRC) Safety Risk Compliance Safe, responsible, complaint operations Reliable, efficient, profitable operations Software & Control System Integrity Machinery & Mechanical System Integrity Structural Integrity Our Strategic Enablers
Management Framework Software & Control System Integrity Machinery & Mechanical System Integrity Structural Integrity Asset Integrity Management Management Framework: Metrics & Performance Improvement Organizational Readiness Planning & Scheduling Work Management Structural Integrity Optimized risk-based inspection program 3D visualization Trending Software & Control System Integrity Cybersecurity management System and revision management Machinery & Mechanical System Integrity: CMMS Functionality & Utilization Instrument Calibration Inventory Management Maintenance & Reliability Strategy Elements of Asset Integrity Management
Utility Driven Rapid Low Cost Comprehensive Assessment driven Implementation Plan ROI Plan & tracking Teaming scope Systems Data Process People AIM 1-DaySeminar (Complimentary) Implementation Assessment Implementation Plan Methodology
20%15%10%5%0% 20% 35% 80% 25% 15%10%5%0% 30%20%10%0% 30%20%10%0% 84%90%95%98% 35%50%60%70% Safety Improvement Quality Improvement Inventory Carrying Cost Savings Material Cost Savings Contractor Cost Savings Labor Cost Savings OEE - Availability Factor Wrench Time Performance improvement & cost saving opportunities present at each state Soft Savings Hard Savings Additional Impact Improving Performance & Reducing Operating Costs
Safe, responsible, complaint operations Software & Control System Integrity Strategic targetsOur enablers Enhance Asset ManagementOptimize System Reliability and Maintenance Execution in terms of: Cost ControlInventory Management in terms of: Process Efficiency & EffectivenessOptimize processes in terms of: Reduced scope while increasing Reliability Increase utilization of resources (tool time) Optimized Planning and Scheduling Manage true condition of Asset Minimize cost allocation Strategic Sourcing Supply Chain contracts re-evaluation Compliance mapping Data/Software Governance and Structure KPI and Business Critical element monitoring Company Strategies and our AIM Enablers