December 4 th List of To-do’s Peer evaluation, on dropbox. You might as well do it today. (1% of grade) Podcast comment. After exam, I will remind you to comment on at least 1 podcast. (2 points participation) Be sure that your group has uploaded summary of Tech News #2 Teacher evaluation, up to 4 points on Test 5, based on 8 students. (available to students present on 12/4.)
You should always check OAKS for instructor’s feedback/grades. HABIT!!
Group’s Peer Evaluation
Extra credit was explained during class today
Clarifying Podcast instructions: One group member must link it in Discussion called “Computing Issues Podcast”
Expect from me Confirm Tech News #2 grade Via OAKS, send overall YouTube grade (including Excel & Channel Art) Final Blog grade #4
From You Peer evaluation Your group must upload Tech News #2 summary & test questions, if not done yet. After exam date, expect to comment on other group’s work.
Monday Dec 7th, open workshop 9:30-10:30am 11:30-2:30 Feel free to use classroom to: - ask questions, - study, - group meeting, etc.