Guerino Mazzola U & ETH Zürich Internet Institute for Music Science Signes, pointeurs et schémas de concepts pour la musique
Topographical Orientation Signs: Aliquid pro aliquo The Babouska-Principle Musical Content Form Semiotics The Hjelmslev Stratification of a Form Semiotic Topographical Orientation Signs: Aliquid pro aliquo The Babouska-Principle Musical Content Form Semiotics The Hjelmslev Stratification of a Form Semiotic program
topographyCommunication Neutral Level Poiesis Aisthesis Realities Signs Content Physical Mental Psychic Signification Expression
Physical Mental topography Psychic
Harmonic Analysis Signs topography Content Signification Expression G Dur Es Dur Tonal Modulation G Dur Es Dur Score Surface
topographyCommunication Aisthesis Neutral Level Poiesis
topography Aisthesis: Listener Neutral Level: Recording (e.g. CD) Poiesis: Interpreter
topographyCommunicationRealities Signs
Fireworks signs ExpressionSignificationContent Sign Sign aliquidproaliquo
ExpressionSignification Content signs
Babouska ExpressionSignificationContents Connotation ExpressionSignificationContent Fireworks Fireworks
Babouska Louis Hjelmslev's Babouska Principle Sign systems are encapsulated systems, which in their components are built from sign subsystems, which in turn are built from sign subsystems etc.
Babouska ExpressionSignificationContent Meta system ExpressionSignificationContent ExpressionSignificationContent Motivation ExpressionSignificationContent Connotation Hjelmslevs Babouska Principle
content –– EinsatzzeitEinsatzzeitLautstärkeLautstärkeDauerDauerTonhöheTonhöhe Makro-NoteMakro-Note Makro-NoteMakro-Note SatellitenSatelliten Anker-NoteAnker-Note STRG Ÿ Ornaments Ornaments Schenker Analysis Schenker Analysis Score text Reading Conceived Score
I IV II VI V III VII Harmonic Band content
Score textReadingConceived score Analytical work connotation Score form –– Einsatzzeit Lautstärke Dauer Tonhöhe Makro-Note Satelliten Anker-Note STRG Ÿ content
T dTdT T Z( d T, ) Mother Daughter Grand- daughter content
Score form ShapingPerformance Score textReadingConceived score Analysis Connotation Score form Tönend bewegte Formen (Hanslick) – – OnsetOnsetLoudnessLoudnessDurationDurationPitchPitch MakroNoteMakroNote MakroNoteMakroNote SatellitesSatellitesAnchorNoteAnchorNote STRG Ÿ content
Performance generates in brain emotions content
Score form Shaping Performance Score textReadingConceived score Analysis Connotation Score form – – OnsetOnsetLoudnessLoudnessDurationDurationPitchPitch MakroNoteMakroNote MakroNoteMakroNote SatellitesSatellites AnchorNoteAnchorNote STRG Ÿ Performancegenerates in brain emotions Connotation content
GeneralNoteGeneralNote – – OnsetOnsetLoudnessLoudnessDurationDurationPitchPitch NoteNote STRG Ÿ– – DurationDuration OnsetOnset PausePause concept modeling
MakroNoteMakroNote MakroNoteMakroNote SatellitesSatellites Ornaments Ornaments Schenker Analysis Schenker Analysis GeneralNoteGeneralNote – – OnsetOnsetLoudnessLoudnessDurationDurationPitchPitch NoteNote STRG Ÿ – – DurationDurationOnsetOnset PausePause concept modeling
E form semiotics E Mono( E ) R Den Forms DenE Diagrams ( Den / E ) Coordinate Identifier D-Name F-Name Form Type Diagram Types
FrameSpace for type: R Simple = R simple() =R simple( ) = R representationrepresentation E Limit = form-name diagram E limit() = lim(f. diagram E ) limit( ) = lim(f. diagram E ) conjunctionconjunction E Colimit = form-name diagram E colimit() = colim(f. diagram E ) colimit( ) = colim(f. diagram E ) disjunctiondisjunction E Power = fn E power() = Space(fn) power( ) = Space(fn) collectioncollection framespaces
namespace Coordinate Identifier D-Name F-Name Form Type Diagram fn ~ C:0~>NameForm ( NF ~ fn:Id.Simple( Simple M: M = Ÿ UNICODE
NameType/DiagramIdentifier NameFormCoordinate Denotator Topos form semiotics
puzzle Poietik Neutral Aisthesis – – OnsetOnsetLoudnessLoudnessDurationDurationPitchPitch MakroNoteMakroNote MakroNoteMakroNote SatellitesSatellites AnchorNoteAnchorNote STRG Ÿ Begriffene Partitur Partitur- Form Aufführung Gefühle