Essential Question: What steps do I need to follow when writing my persuasive essay? 7 Steps to writing a Persuasive Essay
What key terms do I need to know to write a persuasive essay? 1. Accurate: correct in all details; exact 2. Credible: able to be believed; they have necessary background to know the subject matter. 3. Relevant: closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand 4. Sufficient: enough; adequate. 5. Counterargument : an argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument.
What is Step 1?Give Yourself Time! Trying to cram an entire 5 paragraph persuasive essay within 1 sitting is not a good idea. Allow yourself enough time to brainstorm, write, and proofread. Put as much effort into your paper as you can in the time period you are given. Create a timeline to complete your project! Otherwise, you will end up a crazy person that is mentally drained!
What is Step 2?Choose a position! Think carefully about the topic you are writing to. You need to chose a “side” that you are knowledgeable about and can be prepared for. You must be able to present your side, or position, with adequate and strong reasoning. Pro= “FOR __________” Con= “Against _______”
What is Step 3?Gathering Evidence and Writing Body Paragraphs ***Your opinion goes into these paragraphs Structure: Topic Sentence Say= Quote framed within a sentence Mean= Rephrasing quotation with your own words Matter= Connecting quotation to your overall thesis Say= Quote framed within a sentence Mean= Rephrasing quotation with your own words Matter= Connecting quotation to your overall thesis Conclusion Sentence
What is Step 4?Counterclaim Paragraph ***You are addressing what “other people” think in this paragraph Structure: Topic Sentence Say= Quote framed within a sentence Mean= Rephrasing quotation with your own words Matter= Connecting quotation to your overall thesis Conclusion Sentence
What is Step 5?Conclusion Paragraph- yes, the conclusion Structure: Restate Claim Mini Summary Final Insight
What is Step 6?Introduction Paragraph- much easier to do this last! Structure: Lead In Background Address Prompt Connect Claim Claim…....Thesis
What is Step 7?Revise AND Edit
Now it is time to examine your notes, and create a summary in the bottom section.