Law Enforcement Today
I. What do the police do? Sociologist Egon Bittner’s concept of the function of police… Basic Responsibilities of the Police: -To enforce laws. - To provide services. - To prevent crime. - To preserve the peace. In reality, what do police officers spend most of their time on?
I. What do the police do? Intelligence-Led Policing (def.) Predpol (def.) Two elements used by the program: The Challenges of Counterterrorism: How is technology assisting law enforcement?
II. How Does Someone Become A Police Officer? Basic Requirements Minimum requirements: Other Requirements: Training Period Probationary Period (def.) Two Components- 1. Police Academy 2. Field Training
III. What is the Status of Women and Minorities in Policing Reasons for Women Being Underrepresented in Law Enforcement: Minority Report: Race and Ethnicity in Law Enforcement Double Marginality (def.) Benefits of a Diverse Police Force
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Federal State Local
Highway Patrol Sheriff Dept. Police Dept. JURISDICTIONJURISDICTION
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Highway Patrol State Trooper Capitol Police Motor Carrier Inspectors Sheriff Dept. Bailiff Coroner Municipal Police Dept. Animal Control SWAT Special Units State of KS * KBI
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Federal Law Enforcement Agencies - authorized by Congress to enforce specific laws or attend to specific situations. Purpose of Each Department & Agencies Department of Homeland Security - U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) -U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E) -U.S. Secret Service
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Department of Homeland Security - U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Purpose – Two Goals: U.S. Border Patrols
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Department of Homeland Security U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Purpose – Goals:
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Department of Homeland Security U.S. Secret Service Purpose – Goals: Other DHS Agencies:
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Department of Justice Purpose – Agencies (4) FBI DEA ATF US Marshal
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Purpose – National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Purpose – Controlled Substances Act
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives(ATF) Purpose – Firearms Division – Abilities -
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Department of Justice U.S. Marshal Service Purpose - JPATS – KC,MO
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Investigation Division Purpose -
IV. What are the Different Kinds of Law Enforcement Agencies? Private Security