Doncaster Business & Management CoVE Jan Emery CoVE project Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

Doncaster Business & Management CoVE Jan Emery CoVE project Manager

History of the CoVE Doncaster Business & Management CoVE is a non-collaborative CoVE for Dearne Valley Business School DVBS offers management training in all vocational areas Strengths are in level 3 and above (up to MBA/MSc) Awarded CoVE status in October 2003

Success is measured against : A significant expansion in vocational learning ( level 3) Increased effectiveness in addressing skills priorities, particularly in meeting the needs of employers Improvement in achievement in Level 3 qualifications Widening participation and increasing number of adult learners into level 3 Increased collaboration between learning providers and the promotion of continuous improvement Increasing use of industry standard equipment Examples of innovation and flexibility to meet the needs of the employers Positive change in the attitude of employers and greater involvement in training

Current Projects Developing closer links with employers Yorkshire Academy of Management Undertaking research into management diagnostic tool Implementing greater ILT Developing blended learning Internal marketing to other departments Enhanced staff development – work experience Investing in improving student learning experience

The Future Developing closer links with other training providers – dissemination and transformation Widening participation with voluntary sector Promoting business and management training An integral part of the Doncaster Education City project