Class of 2020
To learn about Future Ready Core To understand the courses your child must take to meet the new graduation requirements To better understand the rigor of high school To lessen the stress and anxiety of high school transition
"The Future-Ready Core will help ensure that students graduate with the academic foundation they need for success in the global economy.“ It is a course of study developed to provide a strong academic foundation so that students are prepared and have many options when they graduate from high school whether they go to college or to work. The main idea is that students graduate....
Courses Credits English 4 - English I, II, III, IV Math 4 - -Common Core Math 1( Alg. 1), CC Math 2( Geometry), CC Math 3( Alg. 2) and a fourth math beyond CC Math 3(Alg. 2) - Science 3 (4 for Southeast) -Earth/Environmental, Biology, a physical science Social Studies 4 -World History, American History I: The Founding Principles and American History II, Civics & Econ
CourseNo. of Credits Healthful Living1 Students must pass Healthful Living I or pass JROTC/Healthful Living I & II to graduate WCPSS does not issue or accept “opt-out” waivers
Electives 6 *Choosing 2 electives from Career/Tech, Art Education, World Language * World Language is not required for graduation, but 2 credits are required to meet minimum admission requirements for UNC system. * 4 credits strongly recommended in an Area of concentration (CTE, JROTC, Art ED, or other subject areas) *Additional Electives 4
Courses Credits English 4 Math 4 Science 3 (4 required for Southeast) Social Studies 4 Healthful Living 1 Electives in a concentration CTE, Art, or World Lang, other subject area 6 Additional Electives 4 Totaling 26
Students must pass 3 EOC assessments: Common Core I (formerly Algebra I) Biology English II EOC’s count as 25% of the final course grade! Classes without an EOC, final exams count 20% of the final grade.
Students take 4 courses/credits each semester. Each course is 90 minutes. An entire year’s worth of curriculum is compressed into one semester, which is 90 days (some exceptions). Grades start accumulating from day one! No time to “catch up” later in the year!!
School Schedule Broughton, Enloe, Garner: A/B day (8 courses: 4 meet on A day, 4 meet on B day.) Days alternate all yearlong; Offer yearlong and semester electives A Day B Day 90-minute course Other High Schools: Block Schedule – take four classes each semester. First Semester Second Semester minute class minute class minute class minute class
Semester 1 English I Healthful Living Earth Science Teen Living Semester 2 Common Core Math I World History Drafting I Visual Arts
Semester 1 English I Honors World History Honors Healthful Living Spanish II Semester 2 Biology Honors Computer Apps I CC Math 2 Honors Visuals Arts I
~Academic (Standard) ~Honors ~Advanced Placement (AP) Usually can’t begin these until junior year
Independent motivation All reading is done at home. Class time is for enrichment, discussion, and instruction. The focus is on analysis rather than basic comprehension. Vocabulary is geared toward SAT prep. A or high B test average, before retests
Student enjoys reading and multi- tasking. Student completes homework regularly and successfully. Student has good study skills and regularly performs well on assessments in middle school classes. An accelerated, advanced course requiring significantly more work.
(1) a student whose transcript shows AP courses may receive higher consideration for admission from colleges and universities; and (2) students scoring a three or higher on the AP examination may be given college or university credit and/or placement, thus enabling them to graduate early from colleges or universities.
Not required for graduation, but required for admission to the UNC system. Second Language is generally not recommended for 9 th graders unless they started second language in middle school or scored a level 5 on their 8 th grade EOG. (Students attending Enloe who want to take 4 years of a foreign language must start in 9 th grade.) Two credits must be in the same language.
Wake County policy dictates that a student absent for more than 10 days in a semester class or 20 days in a yearlong class can be assigned a grade of FF indicating failure due to excessive absences. This includes both excused and unexcused absences. 2 absences in a block scheduled class is like missing 4 days of learning.
Students must pass 70% of courses (3 out of 4 on a block schedule) to be able to obtain or maintain their drivers license ! Students in the Wake County Public School System who enroll in driver education will have to pay a $45 fee to take the course Students must be 14 ½ Years old Students must 30 hours in the driver’s ed classroom Students must complete 6 hours actual driving
85% attendance required during the semester prior Additionally, WCPSS requires the athlete to be present the entire day in order to participate in activities or practices Under 19 on or before October 16 th Must have passed 3 core courses during the previous semester Must maintain overall 1.5 GPA Must not be convicted of a felony Must live in the school district and enroll no later than the 15 th day of the present semester May not participate in practice or play if assigned to In-School Suspension (ISS) or Out-of-school Suspension (OSS) All incoming freshman are automatically eligible for athletics during the fall semester of their freshman year
Core teachers should have all recommendations completed by February 19t h, Mrs. Edwards will meet with all 8 th graders starting week of March 7th to register for classes. Students will register for CORE classes as well as electives at selected schools in Power Schools. Students can register in the library through Sciences classes with Mrs. Edwards or at home with their parents. Your child will still be asked to come to the library for Ms. Edwards to verify that all classes are in. A packet of information specified to your child’s high school will come home the week of February 29 th with registration instruction in it. Parents can come in who need assistance with Registering- March 10 th from 2:30-4pm or March 15 th - 2:30-4pm. Registration needs to be complete by Monday, March 21st
College Admission Offices pay careful attention to the following: Grade Point Average (GPA) Difficulty of course load SAT/ACT scores Class rank HS and community activities, involvement Recommendations IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO START PLANNING!
All High Schools in Wake County will have opportunities for you to visit and learn about programs available at their high school. These dates will be announced by being posted via Carnage’s Website, your child’s High School website, High School Bulletin Board across from Gym on 400 Hall and our afternoon announcements.
Numerous resources for high school/college planning. Access CFNC, check out the high school planner tab for more information
HIGH SCHOOL TIPS Remember to balance your academic and social life. Get involved( check out clubs/ teams/organizations) Great way to make friends, helps you learn who you are, and use for college applications. Get to know your high school counselor. Know and obey the school rules. Study hard! Make sure you use good study habits and keep your grades up. Continue to improve your study skills. Communicate with your teachers if you are struggling with anything in class Challenge yourself to take courses that are more rigorous Find out about AP and other honors-level courses. Create a file of the following documents and notes: report cards, lists of awards and honors, school and community activities, and volunteer work. Start thinking about the colleges you want to attend.
Program Planning Guide : gistration/downloads/ppg.pdf Become very familiar with the high school’s website.
Any questions call or Mrs. Edwards at or Thank you for coming! Countdown to 2020!