1 Jasper van Loo 05/06/ /10/ 2011 Investing in skills in Europe For more growth and better jobs Jasper van Loo, senior expert TransFormación: Skills for Productivity Lima, Peru – 12/13 June 2014
2 Jasper van Loo 05/06/2014 Established 1975 (Berlin); Thessaloniki since 1995 Evidence-based policymaking: VET & skills policies EU enhanced cooperation in VET European E&T tools (EQF, Europass, EUSP) EU skills forecasting model Cooperation with EU COM, ILO, OECD European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
3 Jasper van Loo 05/06/2014 Odds ratio Likelihood of positive social and economic outcomes for highly literate adults scoring at Level 4/5 compared with those scoring at Level 1 or below Skills The currency of modern societies Source: PIAAC (2013)
4 Jasper van Loo 05/06/2014 Continuous up-skilling in OECD… Proficiency in literacy skills by country & age cohorts, 24 OECD countries
5 Jasper van Loo 05/06/2014 …but skills should not go wasted Source: PIAAC (2013)
6 Jasper van Loo 05/06/2014 An integrated skills strategy Skills development & activation Reform E&T in partnerships (curricula, trainers, WBL, quality assurance) Untapped talent (early leavers, NEETs, older workers, females, LTU) Career guidance & counselling Targeted ALMPs (focus on WBL) Skills utilisation High-skill product market strategies High performance workplace practices (including recruitment, CVET, job design) High-skill & better quality jobs Employer skills ownership (training levies, tax credits, firm networks, supply chains) Governance LMI / Policy targets (monitoring/evaluation) Education/LM (apprenticeships, dual systems, NQFs, skills ecosystems) Government bodies (Education, Employment, Industry, Innovation) Social partners (joined-up approach) Skills institutions (sector councils, regional observatories, PES)
7 Jasper van Loo 05/06/2014 A sectoral skills ecosystem Source: Cedefop (2013)
8 Jasper van Loo 05/06/2014 European strategy for VET & Impact? ET2020 Objective Bruges Objectives STD5a Policy options Improving the quality and efficiency of VET and enhancing its attractiveness and relevance 1. Making I-VET an attractive learning option 2. Fostering the excellence, quality and relevance of VET Work-based learning, including apprenticeships PO1. Apprenticeship or similar programmes PO2. Work-based learning elements in school based IVET PO3. Incentives for enterprises to provide training or employment PO4. Strategy to foster VET-enterprise cooperation - and more - Source: Cedefop, 2014
9 Jasper van Loo 05/06/2014 More work-based learning: a common aim Fostering skills for innovation in partnerships
11 Jasper van Loo 05/06/2014 Coming up Thank you for your attention!