Humans inherit a set of chromosomes from each parent, yet the chromosomes are not identical to the same chromosomes in either parent. How can it be that we inherit chromosomes from our parents, but they’re NOT identical to any of our parents’ chromosomes?
Every living thing – plant or animal, microbe or human being – has a set of characteristics inherited from its parent or parents. Genetics – Study of heredity
Chromosome - Very long, continuous single piece of DNA, contains many genes Gene - Sequence of DNA that codes for a protein and thus determines a trait
Alleles are the different possibilities for a given trait. Every trait has at least two alleles (one from the mother and one from the father) Example: Eye color – Brown, blue, green, hazel Examples of Alleles: A = Brown Eyes a = Blue Eyes B = Green Eyes b = Hazel Eyes
Homologous Chromosomes - Term used to refer to chromosomes that each have a corresponding chromosome from the opposite-sex parent. Both chromosomes have all the same genes in the same location, but different ‘versions’ of those genes.
Haploid - Term used to refer to a cell that contains only a single set of chromosomes and therefore only a single set of genes; “one set”; represented by N. Diploid - Term used to refer to a cell that contains both sets of homologous chromosomes; “two sets”; represented by 2N.
Gamete - A mature sexual reproductive cell that has a haploid numbers that unites with another cell to form a new organism. Example: Sperm or egg cell Zygote - The cell formed by the union of two gametes.
Sexual Reproduction - Process by which two cells from different parents unite to produce the first cell of a new organism. Diploid zygote 2n += 1n Haploid sperm (gamete) Haploid egg (gamete) 1n
HAPLOID gametes join… …to form a DIPLOID zygote …which grows into a DIPLOID fetus Remember, in SEXUAL reproduction…
Sexual Reproduction – Process by which two cells from different parents unite to produce the first cell of a new organism.
Meiosis - Process by which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half through the separation of homologous chromosomes in a diploid cell; Haploid (N) gamete cells are produced from diploid (2N) cells. Produce Haploid (N) Cells Begin with Diploid (2N) Cells
Which of the following statements best explains why offspring produced by sexual reproduction often look similar to, but not exactly the same as, their parents? A. The offspring have genetic material from both the mother and the father. B. The cells of the offspring contain all the dominant genes from the parents. C. The cells of the offspring undergo mitosis many times as the offspring grow and develop. D. The offspring have a period of embryonic development, rather than being
Meiosis usually involves two distinct divisions: 1. Meiosis 1 2. Meiosis 2
Prior to meiosis I, each chromosome is replicated. The cells then begin to divide in a way that looks similar to mitosis. One big difference: Each chromosome pairs with its corresponding homologous chromosome to form a structure called a tetrad and exchange portions of their chromatids in a process called crossing-over.
Tetrad - Structure containing 4 chromatids that forms during meiosis Crossing Over - Process in which homologous chromosomes exchange portions of their chromatids or alleles.
Produces new combinations of alleles. Meiosis 1 is similar to mitosis except: The two cells produced by meiosis I have sets of chromosomes and alleles that are different from each other and from the diploid cell that entered meiosis I.
Two cells produced by meiosis I now enter a second meiotic division. Unlike the first division, neither cell goes through a round of chromosome replication before entering meiosis II. Those four daughter cells now contain the haploid number (N)—just 2 chromosomes each.
Meiosis is an essential part of sexual reproduction. This is because meiosis creates sex cells that have - A. One-fourth the normal number of chromosomes B. One-third the normal number of chromosomes C. Three-fourths the normal number of chromosomes D. One-half the normal number of chromosomes
In male animals, the haploid gametes produced by meiosis are called sperm. In female animals, generally only one of the cells produced by meiosis is involved in reproduction. This female gamete is called an egg in animals. In females, cell divisions at the end of meiosis I and meiosis II are uneven. A single cell, which becomes an egg, receives most of the cytoplasm. The other three cells are known as polar bodies and usually do not participate in reproduction.
The diagram to the right provides information about a carrot cell. A carrot cell contains 18 chromosomes. Which of the following diagrams illustrates the correct number of chromosomes in new cells produced by meiosis?
The most common error in meiosis occurs when homologous chromosomes fail to separate. This is known as nondisjunction. Results in abnormal numbers of chromosomes in gametes. Example - Down syndrome, which results when an individual has three copies of chromosome 21.
Which best explains how meiosis is a contributing factor to genetic variation within a species? A. Meiosis reduces the number of mutations within an organism. B. Meiosis produces daughter cells that will contain identical chromosomes. C. Meiosis results in offspring that contain alleles from only one parent gamete. D. Meiosis allows for crossing over of chromosomes, resulting in new gene combinations.
The chromosomes below are found in a cell of a Texas wild flower. What is the maximum number of different combinations of the alleles that could be found in gametes produced by the flower? A. 8 B. 6 C. 4 D. 2
Homologous chromosomes pictured above show: 2 chromosome #15’s: one from mom and one from dad
A B b
AB, Ab, AB, Ab
R d d R
Rd, Rd, Rd, Rd RR d d
T t A a
TA, Ta, tA, ta T t A a
D d m m
Dm, Dm, dm, dm D d m m
Mitosis: Produces two genetically identical diploid cells. Meiosis: Produces four genetically different haploid cells.
Mitosis Allows an organism's body to grow and replace cells. Used in asexual reproduction to produce a new organism. New (daughter) cell is identical to the parent cell and to each other. Produces two diploid (2N) daughter cells. Meiosis Used in sexual reproduction to produce gametes. New (daughter) cells are genetically different from the parent cells and from one another. Produces four haploid (N) cells. Is responsible for the genetic variation among species.
You can only inherit a trait from gametes, not other somatic (body) cells! Mutations within somatic (body) cells do not affect future offspring genes. Whereas, mutations within gametes do alter offspring genes. For example, if your mother has skin cancer, you will not inherit this mutation because the mutation is on her somatic (body) cells and these are not inherited.
In which situation could a mutation be passed on to the offspring of an organism? A. A cell in the uterine wall of a human female undergoes a chromosomal alteration. B. Ultraviolet radiation causes skin cells to undergo uncontrolled mitotic division. C. The DNA of a human lung cell undergoes random breakage. D. A primary sex cell in a human forms a gamete that contains 24 chromosomes.
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Mendel carried out his work with ordinary garden peas. Mendel studied 7 different pea plant traits such as seed color or plant height. Trait - Specific characteristic that varies from one individual to another. Each of the 7 traits Mendel studied had two contrasting characters. For example, green seed color and yellow seed color.
Mendel crossed plants with each of the seven contrasting characters and studied their offspring. Parental or P Generation - Each original pair of plants F 1 or First Generation – The first set of offspring from the parents
1. Mendel crossed a tall and short plant and all offspring were tall. All of the offspring had the character of only one of the parents. Mendel concluded that some alleles are dominant and others are recessive (called the Principle of Dominance)
2. He then crossed the F 1 generation with itself to produce the F 2 offspring (Tall x Tall) Some of the traits had reappeared - some were tall and some were short. The Law of Segregation was concluded (the two alleles segregate from each other so that each gamete carries only a single copy of each gene).
Dominant - Masks the other trait; the trait that shows if present Represented by a capital letter Recessive – An organism with a recessive allele for a particular trait will only exhibit that trait when the dominant allele is not present; Will only show if both alleles are present Represented by a lower case letter R r
TT - Represent offspring with straight hair Tt - Represent offspring with straight hair tt - Represents offspring with curly hair T – straight hair t - curly hair
Homozygous – Term used to refer to an organism that has two identical alleles for a particular trait (TT or tt) Sometimes called purebred Heterozygous - Term used to refer to an organism that has two different alleles for the same trait (Tt) Sometimes called hybrid RR Rr rr
Genotype – The genetic makeup of an organism; The gene (or allele) combination an organism has. Example: Tt, ss, GG, Ww Phenotype – The physical characteristics of an organism; The way an organism looks Example: Curly hair, straight hair, blue eyes, tall, green
Punnett Square – Diagram showing the gene combinations that might result from a genetic cross Used to calculate the probability of inheriting a particular trait Probability – The chance that a given event will occur
Parent Offspring
Y-Yellow y-white Genotype: 1:2:1 (YY:Yy:yy) 25%, 50%, 25% Phenotype: 3 Yellow, 75% 1 White, 25%
Give the genotype and phenotype for the following cross: TT x tt (T = Tall and t = Short)
Step One: Set Up Punnett Square (put one parent on the top and the other along the side) T T t t
Step Two: Complete the Punnett Square T T t t Tt
Step Three: Write the genotype and phenotype T T t t Tt Genotype: 4 – Tt or 100% Phenotype: 100% Tall Remember: Each box is 25%
Give the genotype and phenotype for the following cross: Tt x tt
Step One: Set Up Punnett Square (put one parent on the top and the other along the side) T t t t
Step Two: Complete the Punnett Square T t t t Tttt Tttt
Step Two: Complete the Punnett Square T t t t Tttt Tttt Genotype: Tt - 2 (50%) tt - 2 (50%) Phenotype: 50% Tall 50% Short Remember: Each box is 25%
Incomplete Dominance - Situation in which one allele is not completely dominant over another. Example – Red and white flowers are crossed and pink flowers are produced.
Codominance - Situation in which both alleles of a gene contribute to the phenotype of the organism. Example – A solid white bull is crossed with a solid brown cow and the resulting offspring are spotted brown and white (called roan). +
Multiple Alleles- Three or more alleles of the same gene. Even though three or more alleles exist for a particular trait, an individual can only have two alleles - one from the mother and one from the father.
1. Coat color in rabbits is determined by a single gene that has at least four different alleles. Different combinations of alleles result in the four colors you see here.
2. Blood Type – 3 alleles exist (I A, I B, and i), which results in four different possible blood types 3. Hair Color – Too many alleles exist to count There are over 20 different shades of hair color.
There Are Always Multiple Alleles! Genetic inheritance is often presented with straightforward examples involving only two alleles with clear-cut dominance. This makes inheritance patterns easy to see. But very few traits actually only have two alleles with clear-cut dominance. As we learn more about genetics, we have found that there are often hundreds of alleles for any particular gene. We probably know this already - as we look around at other people, we see infinite variation.
Polygenic Trait - Trait controlled by two or more genes. Polygenic traits often show a wide range of phenotypes. Example: The wide range of skin color in humans comes about partly because more than four different genes probably control this trait. Human eye color
1. Crossed round, yellow pea plants with wrinkled, green pea plants All offspring were round yellow peas 2. He then crossed those offspring (F 1 ) together to produce the F 2 generation and the offspring were a mixture of all traits.
Mendel concluded that genes for different traits can segregate independently during the formation of gametes (called the Law of Independent Assortment) These genes that segregate independently do not influence each other’s inheritance. Helps account for the many genetic variations observed in plants, animals, and other organisms.
Let’s cross a homozygous tall (TT), homozygous yellow seed (YY) plant with a short (tt), green seed (yy) plant. Tall is dominant to short and green is dominant to yellow. TTYY x ttyy These are the genotypes of the two plants.
Mendels’ principle of Independent Assortment states that genes for different traits can segregate independently during the formation of gametes (eggs & sperm in animals, eggs and pollen in plants). We must first get all the possibilities of gametes for each parent! TTYY T Y First Twith first Y Gamete 1 = sperm, egg, pollen...
TTYY TY TY First Twith second Y Gamete 1 Gamete 2 Mendels’ principle of Independent Assortment states that genes for different traits can segregate independently during the formation of gametes (eggs & sperm in animals, eggs and pollen in plants). We must first get all the possibilities of gametes for each parent!
TTYY TY TY Second Twith first Y Gamete 1 Gamete 2Gamete 3 Mendels’ principle of Independent Assortment states that genes for different traits can segregate independently during the formation of gametes (eggs & sperm in animals, eggs and pollen in plants). We must first get all the possibilities of gametes for each parent!
TTYY TY YT Second Twith second Y Gamete 1 Gamete 2Gamete 3Gamete 4 Mendels’ principle of Independent Assortment states that genes for different traits can segregate independently during the formation of gametes (eggs & sperm in animals, eggs and pollen in plants). We must first get all the possibilities of gametes for each parent!
TY ty P1 = TTYY P2 = ttyy Will be F1 Generation Put all the possible combinations of alleles for Parent 1 along the top Put all the possible combos of alleles for Parent 2 along the side
TY tyTTYyTTYy TTYyTTYy TTYyTTYy TTYyTTYy Complete the punnett square.
TY tyTtYy tyTtYy tyTtYy tyTtYy
TYTytYty TYTTYYTTYyTtYYTtYy Ty tY ty When you pair up the gametes from the two plants, always put like letters together and within the like letters, put the CAPITAL letter in front of the lowercase letter.
TY tyTtYy tyTtYy tyTtYy tyTtYy Genotype ratio: TtYy - 16/16 or 100% Phenotype ratio: Tall, Yellow - 16/16 or 100%
TtYy x Let’s cross two of the plants from the F 1 generation. We need to pair up the genes which can be given to each gamete (egg and pollen). T YTytYyt
TYTytYty TY Ty tY ty Both the plants can give the same gene combinations to their gametes, so the pairs along the top and down the side are the same.
TYTytYty TYTTYYTTYyTtYYTtYy Ty???? tY???? ty???? Your Turn!!
TYTytYty TYTTYYTTYyTtYYTtYy TyTTYyTTyyTtYyTtyy tYTtYYTtYyttYYttYy tyTtYyTtyyttYyttyy F 2 generation
TYTytYty TYTTYYTTYyTtYYTtYy TyTTYyTTyyTtYyTtyy tYTtYYTtYyttYYttYy tyTtYyTtyyttYyttyy Genotype and phenotype ratios?
TTYY - 1 TTYy - 2 TtYY - 2 TtYy - 4 TTyy - 1 Ttyy - 2 ttYY - 1 ttYy - 2 ttyy - 1 Tall, Yellow – 9 or 9/16 or ~56% chance that the offspring will be tall and yellow Tall, Green – 3 or 3/16 Short, Yellow – 3 or 3/16 Short, Green – 1 or 1/16