Thermostat Product Stewardship Initiative October 26-27, 2004 Chicago, IL
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 2 Day 1 Summary Agreed to send model letter targeted at wholesaler chain headquarters to state agencies PSI will send redrafted letter to participants by Tuesday, Nov. 2 – final comments due Friday, Nov. 5. TRC will send wholesaler contacts to PSI by Friday, Nov. 5. FOLLOW UP NEEDED TO DISTRIBUTE LETTER TO APPROPRIATE STATE CONTACTS, ENSURE LETTERS ARE SENT TO WHOLESALERS, AND MONITOR RESULTS.
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 3 Day 1 Summary Agreed to proceed with a national roll-out of the TRC program expansion to certain HVAC contractor locations pending TRC resolution of data management/timeline issues. TRC notifies PSI about program expansion and timeline by Wednesday, Nov. 10???? Comments to Ric on promotional materials by Friday, Nov. 5. FOLLOW UP NEEDED ON EXPANSION ROLLOUT (e.g., contractor list, state promotion)
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 4 Day 1 Summary Agreed to proceed with pilot projects in Indiana and Oregon that will test the effectiveness of a financial incentive provided to HVAC contractors to recycle thermostats. FOLLOW UP NEEDED Program logistics Data collection needs Analysis of results and next steps
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 5 Day 1 Summary Agreed on the need to provide a solution for thermostats from homeowners/non- professionals. Did not agree on the way to accomplish this.
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 6 Day 1 Summary Agreed that mercury thermostat sales will continue to decline. Did not agree on whether and how to accelerate that decline.
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 7 Issue 1: HVAC Contractor Awareness – Strategies 1. Education through wholesalers 2. Education through state professional licensing programs 3. Education through state HVAC trade associations 4. Direct mail 5. Education through state energy conservation programs
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 8 Issue 1: Strategies (cont.) 6. Product/package labeling 7. Local government remodeling permits 8. Energy utilities (utility as contractor) 9. Revise state building codes
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 9 Issue 2: HVAC Contractor Collection Options – Strategies 1. Government outreach to wholesalers 2. TRC promotion to wholesalers 3. Govt/TRC promotion to wholesaler chains* 4. Legislation to require wholesaler participation 5. Expand TRC program to include contractor locations* 6. Bottom-up customer demand to wholesalers
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 10 Issue 3: HVAC Contractor Motivation – Strategies 1. Test financial incentives for Contractors* 2. Enact disposal bans/contractor recycling requirements
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 11 Issue 4: Measures of Success – Strategies 1. Reach agreement on short-term/long-term TRC program performance metrics 2. Incorporate performance metrics into program enhancement activities* 3. Improve TRC program communication
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 12 Issue 5: Homeowner/Non- Professional Collection – Strategies 1. Education programs 2. Thermostat packaging 3. Retailer collection 4. Manufacturer mail-back 5. TRC expansion to some HHW collection locations* 6. Publicize use of TRC wholesaler locations
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 13 Strategies for Homeowner/Non- Professional Collection Collect at HHW facilities Design criteria for acceptance at HHW facilities to ensure safety Conduct pilot projects to gain experience with HHW facilities Retail collection Mail-back
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 14 Strategies for Homeowner/Non- Professional Collection Collect at HHW facilities Design criteria for acceptance at HHW facilities to ensure safety Conduct pilot projects to gain experience with HHW facilities Retail collection Mail-back
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 15 Strategies for Homeowner/Non- Professional Collection Pilot project to test the effectiveness of wholesaler collection of thermostats from homeowners/non-professionals.??? Research costs and logistics of potential mail-back program.???
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 16 Questions Is collection from homeowners/non-professionals a critical area to address? If yes, is HHW collection the best route to addressing those? Are there ways to address the real liability issues with any of the strategies? What would be required to consider TRC expansion to collect from homeowners/non- professionals?
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 17 Issue 6: Demolition Contractor Collection – Strategies 1. Contractor outreach program 2. TRC expansion to demolition contractor locations 3. Publicize use of TRC wholesaler locations 4. Publicize use of HHW collection locations under expanded TRC program*
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 18 Issue 7: Continued Sales of Mercury Thermostats – Strategies 1. Voluntary phase-out by manufacturers 2. Voluntary retail sales phase-out 3. State/local legislation and/or building code revisions restricting sales 4. Consumer education 5. Model government procurement policy
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 19 Continued Sales of Mercury Thermostats Develop standard for energy efficient thermostats (EPA/Energy Star, ASTM, Green Seal, etc.) and possible enforcement/oversight mechanism.???? Model building code standard for new construction requiring non-mercury, energy efficient thermostats.????
October 26-27, 2004 PSI Thermostat Stewardship Initiative 20 Set Priorities for Future Work 3 rd Meeting??? HVAC contractor Collection Homeowner collection Demolition contractor collection New thermostat sales