Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Processing Workshop Overview of SPSS structural check programs and frequencies MICS Data Processing Workshop
Steps to Follow for Preparing Data for Analysis Step 1 After completing data entry, structure check, verification, and secondary editing by using CSPro, export clean data files by using the “Export” procedure in the Supervisor’s Menu
Steps to Follow for Preparing Data for Analysis Step 2 This procedure should create –9 SPSS data files (myhh.dat, myhl.dat, mytn.dat, mywm.dat, mybh.dat, myfg.dat, mymm.dat, mymn.dat, mych.dat) and –9 SPSS syntax files (myhh.sps, myhl.sps, mytn.sps, mywm.sps, mybh.sps, myfg.sps, mymm.sps, mymn.sps, mych.sps) in the MICS5\SPSS directory
Steps to Follow for Preparing Data for Analysis Step 3 Open SPSS and run frequency distributions for all of the variables in all 9 files. Detect any unexpected codes or inconsistencies, and if necessary, return to CSPro and make corrections. Then, repeat step 1.
Steps to Follow for Preparing Data for Analysis Step 4 Run SPSS structural check programs: –ckclust.sps –cksamp.sps –consis1.sps –consis2.sps
Steps to Follow for Preparing Data for Analysis ckclust.sps checks if cluster numbers are uniquely identified across regions and areas in all analysis files
Steps to Follow for Preparing Data for Analysis cksamp.sps checks if sample weights are properly normalized and if weighted and unweighed distributions correspond to expected
Steps to Follow for Preparing Data for Analysis consis1.sps structure checks; compares number of eligible and completed individual questionnaires with household information panel
Steps to Follow for Preparing Data for Analysis consis2.sps structure checks; checks if eligible members present in the individual files are also present in the household listing file