Governing New York State Edited by Robert F. Pecorella and Jeffrey M. Stonecash
The Two New Yorks in the 21 st Century “People from New York City and people from other areas of the state view each other with emotions ranging from bemusement to hostility.” [p. 7] “The differences between people in NYC and those in the rest of the state are both long- standing and easily summarized: City residents have been and are less Protestant, more ethnically diverse, more likely to be foreign-born and more likely to be Democrats than people in the rest of the state. [p. 8]
The Two New Yorks in the 21 st Century “ The rural/urban dichotomy… is not based solely in culture and demography; it is also a function of each area’s different relationship with government.” [p. 8] “For much of New York State’s history these political conflicts were considered within a context that defined NYC as downstate and everything else as upstate.” [Ibid] “With 42 percent of the state’s population… NYC has a critical role in the state’s social, economic, and political life.” [p. 9]
Where does sovereignty reside? “The primary legal principle guiding state-city relationships in the United States is quite direct: cities are public corporations created by state law with the authority derived solely from the state.” [p. 9] “Despite the formal adoption of home rule… the state government continues to exercise considerable influence on local policymaking.” [Ibid] “The rigid state control of local revenue-raising capacity, is coupled with strict constitutional limitations on local authority to contract debt and provide for its long-term capital needs.” [Ibid]
Political Conflict & Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations “New York state and its local governments decide upon spending and tax policies in a complicated political, legal and fiscal environment. This environment can pit one state against another and one part of New York against another, but it can create surprising incentives to work together.” [p. 27] “The federal government imposes mandates on state & local governments, with or without money, telling them how them must implement programs.” [Ibid]
Political Conflict & Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations “The most obvious way the federal government affects state and local government finances is through grants in aid…” [p. 27] “Federal grants are dominated by Medicaid, a health program for the poor and medically needy.” [p. 28] “Medicaid is a major source of tensions between the federal government and New York State government.” [Ibid]
Political Conflict & Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations “The federal share of Medicaid varies by state under a formula that provides a higher federal match for low-income states.” [p. 29] “New York’s per-capita income has long been well above the national average, leaving New York with the lowest possible federal match rate of 50 percent.” [Ibid] The second- largest grant program in New York is TANF, the nations primary welfare program.” [p. 30] {Temporary Assistance for Needy Families}