Overberg Education District Mathematics George Edwards Cell: 083 2935336 Tel: 028-2147343 Fax: 086 5514045 George.Edwards@westerncape.gov.za www.edwardsmaths.com @georgeedwards99 Michael Fortuin Cell: 073 7068308 Tel: 028 2147335 Fax: 028 2147400 Michael.Fortuin@westerncape.gov.za
Focus 2016 Focus on class room visits – to support and advise Focus on Senior Phase Teachers to indicate interventions for learners who have been progressed due to age and retention norm(grade 9)
Moderation of question papers before assessment takes place. Analysis of marks after assessment has been done to determine trends. Question analysis of papers and controlled test. Memorandum discussion of tests and exams where more than one teacher teaches subject in school – before marking starts.
SUBJECT POLICY Brainstorm basic aspects that must be in a good subject policy. Example of subject policy. Agreement on completion date.
CALCULATORS When to use and when not. Suggestion: Learners must show method and calculate final answers especially with large numbers.
ALLOCATION OF “0” Teachers tend to award a “0” too easily. Allocation of “0” needs proof of support/intervention process.
Programme of assessment 2016 – Guidelines
TIME ALLOCATION 4½ hours per week. Six(6) periods of 45 minutes each. Make sure you get the time on your roster.
Minimum requirements per term Number of tasks per year Minimum requirements for formal assessment : Senior Phase Mathematics Forms of assessment Minimum requirements per term Number of tasks per year Weighting Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 SBA Test 1 3 40% Examination Assignment Investigation 2 Project TOTAL 10 End of year exam 60%
SBA REQUIREMENTS: GR 8 & 9 3 1 2 LENGTH/ MARKS TIME TEST 50 marks FORM OF ASSESSMENT NUMBER LENGTH/ MARKS TIME TEST 3 50 marks 1 hour (min) EXAM 1 Two papers of 50 marks OR One paper of 100 marks 2 x 1 hour papers 1 x 2 hour paper ASSIGNMENT At least 50 marks One period or longer PROJECT ± 1 week (if longer, monitor process with due date) INVESTIGATION 2 One period or longer (monitor process) 11
Number, operations and relations Patterns, functions and algebra Final end of year examination – Option 1 Number, operations and relations Patterns, functions and algebra Geometry Measurement Data Total mark % Mark Gr 8 25 30 10 100 Gr 9 15 23 35 52 45 150
Final end of year examination – Option 2 PAPER 1 Number, operations and relations Patterns, functions and algebra Total mark % Mark Gr 8 25 ±37 30 ±43 80 Gr 9 15 ±22 35 ±53 75
Final end of year examination – Option 2 PAPER 2 Geometry Measurement Data Total mark % Mark Gr 8 25 ±40 10 ±15 70 Gr 9 30 45 15 75
Formal assessment task REPORTING PER TERM Formal assessment task Weight per term Term 1 Assignment 40% Test 60% Term 2 Test & Investigation Exam Term 3 Assignment & project Term 4 Assignment & Investigation SBA(each SBA task = 10%) Final Exam
Cognitive levels : Grade 8-9 Knowledge 25% Routine procedures 45% Complex procedures 20% Problem solving 10%
Exam Setting Templates Grade 8 Grade 9
Projects A project in the context of Mathematics is a task in which learners are provided with an opportunity to apply mathematical knowledge to contexts outside of mathematics. The mathematical knowledge applied should be relevant to the grade of the learners (there should be a clear difference between a grade 10 and 12 project) A project must be well-structured with clear criteria for assessment. Constant monitoring and support should be provided to learners throughout the duration of the task. Time allocation should be reasonable but not too long. A rubric is suitable to assess a project.
TESTS Tests should adhere to the following: Completed by all classes in the same grade on the same day. All learners write the same test. Completed under exam conditions. Questions must comply with year-end exam standards. More than one teacher, reach agreement on scope, date and time of test. The mark allocation for a one-hour test is at least 50 marks.
Assignments An assignment in the context of Mathematics is intended to provide the learners with an opportunity to consolidate what has been learnt in class. Such structured and controlled revision should prepare learners for tests and examinations. It follows therefore that there should be a direct relationship in the scope of an assignment and that of a test or examination it precedes. While the teacher may allocate classroom time and supervise the completion of an assignment, the learner could also complete parts of an assignment in his or her own time.
Investigations In the context of Mathematics an investigation is a structured task in which learners are carefully guided towards the discovery of mathematical relationships/trends. These relationships include theorems, conjectures, graphs, patterns, etc. It must be stated clearly that “the mathematics” being investigated by the learners must be appropriate to their grade. A rubric is most suitable for these kinds of tasks.
Moderation : 2016 Internal Moderation Curriculum Adviser : First Round Curriculum Adviser : Final Moderation and Verification
Internal Moderation HOD (or subject head) if HOD not subject specialist Moderation of tasks and assessment tools BEFORE task is given to learners Moderation of completed tasks of learners-10% Record the moderated tasks (Names & Marks) Please record on electronic sheets Moderation of the recorded marks Content page by teacher Report by CA
Moderation: What to look for? Instrument to be used. Duration, length Weighting of content Weighting of cognitive levels Language – mathematical vs layman Use of pictures, diagrams, graphs to facilitate language Technical care : Typed; Same font; NO copy and paste. Memoranda : Neatness; marks allocation; explanation for marks given. Hyperlink.
Moderation School: Internal Moderation Teacher portfolio and sample of learner performance – twice a year by Subject Head District: Curriculum Adviser / HO Teacher portfolio and sample of learner performance – twice during year Provincial: Umalusi Once per year MIGHT HAPPEN IN 2016 Cluster moderation
Provincial Moderation 2015 REPORT
Moderation of Exam Papers Second term : Gr. 8 -12 Third term : Gr. 8 -12 Fourth term : Gr. 9 & 11 Schools will be selected. Deadlines to be met. Exam/test templates to be used and submitted as well– not negiotable. Format of memo.
ASSESSMENT – A PRACTICAL APPROACH Aspect flowing from moderation Tendencies Suggested remedial 1 Mark allocation per item Some teachers tend to allocate too many marks per item Consider methodology ( steps, cognitive level, weighting of CA of the FAT) when allocating marks. 2 Multiple choice questions Distractors do not link with the concept of the item The distractors should include possible misconceptions when answering certain items. This will inform teachers when analysing the results of the FAT.
ASSESSMENT – A PRACTICAL APPROACH Aspect flowing from moderation Tendencies Suggested remedial 3 Memo guidance / explanations Most memoranda only have answers with a tick to it. The examiner of the FAT needs to provide notes to the marker to ensure uniformity. This will also support the moderation process and prevent moderators just marking in green alongside the marker. Refer to exemplar SBAs of 2015. 4 CA principle Clarify the concept with practical examples during Standard Setting 5 Use of equation editor Encourage the use of equation editor when setting FATs.
ASSESSMENT – A PRACTICAL APPROACH Aspect flowing from moderation Tendencies Suggested remedial 6 Frameworks per paper Setting a framework before the FATs is set, will support the spread of Content Areas as well as cognitive levels. It will also prevent setting too many questions/marks to a certain concept 7 Recording of marks Marks are recorded and no detailed analysis of it are being done. Marks are recorded and not analysed. The official recording sheets MUST be used at all times. In the top row of the sheet teachers will find the program calculating the averages. “Abnormal” averages should be noted and investigated eg. Test to difficult, massive misconceptions etc. There must be proof how teachers dealt with these “abnormalities” 8 Systemic Testing Discuss results and Setting of targets
Portfolio Management Subject Resource File Teacher portfolio Learner portfolio
Important documents: Subject Resource File Standard Setting notes Grade 8-9: CAPS document Subject Framework Work schedules/Pace setters Plan of Assessment Circulars Exemplar Tasks, Exemplar Papers Maak folder wat al hierdie bevat.
Important documents: Educators’ Portfolio What should be in the teacher’s file? - policy documents (3 documents) - personal time-table - work schedule (micro plan – that is daily) - assessment plan - assessment tasks and tools - mark sheets - targets for each grade (March, Jul, Sep, Dec) - analysis of results - intervention strategies - Gr 8 Baseline results plus interventions for 2016
POLICY DOCUMENTS National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for Mathematics (also available in Afrikaans) National Policy pertaining to the Programme and Promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statements Grades R – 12(NPR). National Protocol for Assessment Grades R – 12(NPA). All these documents available on www.edwardsmaths.com
Learner Evidence of Performance Cover page Table of content( Afr. or Eng ) Assessment Tasks per Term (clearly indicated) Statement of Authenticity (signed by learner)
Work Schedule 2016 Grade 8 Grade 9 Planning for 2016 Work Schedule 2016 Grade 8 Grade 9
Daily Lesson Plan Daily Preparation Book Learner’s Book Planning for 2016 Daily Lesson Plan Daily Preparation Book Learner’s Book
TEACHER 911 http://www.teacher911.co.za/ WARNING!!!!!!! Planning for 2016 TEACHER 911 http://www.teacher911.co.za/ WARNING!!!!!!!
Challenges for 2016 Content knowledge Teaching methodology Planning Quality of passes Attracting learners to the subject and retaining learners within the subject for grade 10 ANA’s improvement WCED systemic tests improvement Gr 8 Baseline tests and intervention strategies Forming of PLC’s in 6 centres
LEARNER TUTORING Grade 9 MOD centre tutoring depending on availability and suitabality of tutors Rationale:More learners grade 10 Attendance register Subject teacher MUST attend
Teacher Tutoring 2016 Training for grade 8 & 9 teachers in 2016 : Establishing of 6 PLC’s(old name Study Groups) Towns: Caledon Swellendam Bredasdorp Villiersdorp Grabouw Hermanus Dates: 24 Feb; 28 Apr; 1 June; 20 July; 31 August; 28 September; 27 Oct
Teacher Tutoring 2016 Training for grade 8 & 9 teachers in 2016 : AHEC
MATHROCKS (grade 8-11) Aim: To incorporate materials used in Mathrocks into regular classroom curriculum. Learners to learn problem-solving techniques. Learners to develop critical thinking skills. Participation in Mathrocks to be a challenging and fun experience.
MATHROCKS Competition date 23 August 2016
MATHROCKS Participants: Learners in grade 8, 9, 10 and 11. Learners may participate individually, in pairs or as teams of 4.