Plea Bargaining 90% of felony cases › 3 types of bargaining Plead guilty to a lesser crime, manslaughter instead of 1 st degree murder May receive a lighter sentence Plead guilty on one charge, so prosecutor will drop other charge › Uncertainty-make sure they are guilty › Reduced case load › Helps allow defense attorney-spend time on case › Often allows crime to be unpunished Copping- plea for assault instead of rape
The jury- trial by peers › Purpose Protect citizen against arbitrary law enforcement Prevent government oppression Protect from overzealous prosecutor and from bias judges › Voter registration- not registered, no jury duty › Terms Master wheel- list of eligible jurors Venire- Jury pool “Have to be of good character” Doctors, lawyers, teachers, elected officials- usually not asked because they already do a civic duty No more than 30 days- $15 a day/ Call ahead
30 people selected from the Venire › Voir dire- Process to see if they would render a fair verdict Question jurors, challenge Jurors- “for cause”- unlimited(death penalty) Peremptory Challenge- excuse without reason Prosecutor 6-8 challenges, Defense 8-10 Petite Jury- 12 citizens (2 alternatives) Lower Cost maybe 6-9
Pretrial Motion- application to court, requesting a judge to order particular actions › Can be done before or after trials › Most of the time is used to get Prosecutors evidence, get rid of any that is not viable
Jury is Sworn in Clerk reads criminal complaint Prosecution Opening Statement › What will you prove Defense Opening if they prefer Prosecution submits evidence › Questions witness › Cross Examination Defense › Directed Verdict- motion to dismiss, not enough evidence › Defense Follows with witnesses if necessary, rebutting will happen
Closing › Explain case explain point of view Judges- inform jury of charges, determine what is considered guilty or innocent › Possible Verdicts Jury Meeting- Deliberate › Foreman › Sequestered- stay away in a hotel away from media Final Decision- Not Guilty › No Consensus- Hang Jury- Prosecutor will decide to retry the case