SCOPE Introduction Background Orientation Why an Africa Standby Force? 3 rd African Chiefs of Defence Staff Meeting Concept of an Africa Standby Force DOD Approach to Contributing to the ASF General Principles Progress Report Road Ahead Conclusion
INTRODUCTION The establishment of the AU has emphasized the importance of acting in a multi-lateral manner We are members of the region and part of the continent As SADC we need to show our commitment to Africa by supporting AU initiatives like the Africa Standby Force
Background/Orientation Formation of African Union, Durban, Replacement for OAU. Protocol - Peace and Security Council –PS Council –Africa Standby Force –Military Staff Committee –Continental Early Warning System –Panel of the Wise
WHY AN AFRICAN STANDBY FORCE? Africa is to be seen to take responsibility for itself It will enhance the obtaining of AU/UN mandates and subsequent donors and funding It will allow for future quick reaction to prevent genocide/killing Transparency/sharing of information and trai- ning – can lead to defusing of potential explosive situations within the region and on the continent
ORGANS OF THE AFRICAN UNION THE ASSEMBLY (supreme Organ) PEACE AND SECURITY COUNCIL THE COMMISSION Secretariat of the Union A standing decision making organ for the prevention management and resolution of conflict. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Composition: Ministers of Foreign Affairs PAN AFRICAN PARLIAMENT COURT OF JUSTICE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL COUNCIL (an advisory organ) SPECIALISED TECHNICAL COMMITTEES PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEES Sub-Committee African Central Bank African Mandatory Fund African Investment Bank Composition : Heads of State Constitutive Act Protocol on PSC
COMMISSION UN REGIONAL MECHANISMS MILITARY STAFF COMMITTEE PSC SECRETARIAT PANEL OF THE WISE SPECIAL FUND AFRICA STANDBY FORCE CONTINENTAL EARLY WARNING SYSTEM PEACE AND SECURITY COUNCIL Protocol on PSC Draft AU Non Aggression And Common Defence Pact SADC Mutual Defence Pact Draft Rules Of Procedure Common African Defence and Security Policy Work on Doctrine/SOPs at Continental/Regional Levels Regional EWC National EWC ASF HQ Addis 5 x Regional Brigades
3rd African Chiefs of Defence Staff Meeting (ACDS) Recent History –2nd ACDS meeting: 1997 Harare –3rd ACDS meeting: May 2003 Addis Ababa to consider modalities for the creation of the African Standby Force and Military Staff Committee –Senior officials meeting followed by ACDS meeting –South Africa chaired – Gen Nyanda –4 th ACDS Meeting: January 2004 Addis Ababa
3rd ACDS Meeting Recommendations: May 03 Develop Africa Standby Force (ASF) in two phases –#1: 30 June 2005 and #2: 30 June 2010
TIME FRAMES Phase One (by 30 June 2005) –AU develop a full time capacity for simpler missions and standby system ( Skeleton Mission HQ, Full Time Planning Element, and manage standby rosters) –Regions consider standby force elements –All learn from SHIRBRIG (European Standby Force) –Decisions on support –AU/SADC Doctrine and hierarchy of documents/procedures in place and aligned with UN
TIME FRAMES Phase Two (by 30 June 2010) –Be able to manage complex missions
THE CONCEPT OF AN AFRICA STANDBY FORCE A rapid deployment/early entry capability that can rapidly react to prevent killings/genocide, while the mandate is prepared and approved for the follow on peace keeping forces that make up the bulk of the standby brigade The standby force which is predominantly responsible for participation in peace support operations in the following categories: –Preventative diplomacy/peace making –Humanitarian intervention –Peacekeeping –Peace Enforcement –Peace Building
Proposed Africa Union Five Regions AU HQ Addis Ababa North WestCentralEast South Detail membership of the Five Regions still needs to be determined
Africa Union Regions AU HQ Addis Ababa North WestCentralEast South AU Standby Force Core HQ Early Warning Centre HQ x x x x x EW Centre Log Support ? x x x x x
INITIAL DOD ACTIVITIES Chief of Joint Operations lead process to develop broad options for SANDF contribution An assessment has been done by the DOD on possible posts that will need to be filled by DOD members at regional and continental levels
GENERAL PRINCIPLES The ASF contribution is not an over and above one for the SANDF/DOD! The ASF does not imply that we divorce ourselves from UN. Standby force should deploy in own region, but can deploy outside it.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES The earmarked forces should assist the region in producing a balanced force to contend with all missions. Forces should be light, mobile and sustainable with good command and control systems
PROGRESS REPORT SADC officials and Ministers met in Maseru in January to consider inputs to be taken as a region to the AU –ASF –Common African Defence and Security Policy –Military Staff Committee –Panel of the Wise
ROAD AHEAD Meetings at officials, experts and Chiefs of Defence Staff are being scheduled to determine structures, hierarchy of documents, etc The principle to be followed will be to commence planning at national level and then progress via SADC to AU