Site Control Instructional Goal The participant will see the need for a well-planned site control program and will experience some of the decision making that is required in the process.
Site Control Program l the level of site control needed depends on: –site characteristics –site size –surrounding community l site control should be established in the planning stages of a project and modified as needed
Site Maps l essential to the site control program l serves as a central source of information l should be developed prior to the initial site entry l should include: –topographic features –prevailing wind direction –drainage –locations of buildings, impoundments, pits, ponds, and tanks
Site Preparation l The major steps: –construct roadways –arrange traffic flow patterns –eliminate physical hazards from the work area –install skid resistant strips on slippery surfaces –construct operation pads for mobile facilities –construct loading docks, processing areas, staging areas, and decon pads –provide adequate illumination –install all wiring and electrical equipment in accordance with NEC
Site Work Zones l site work zones ensure that: –personnel are properly protected –contamination is confined –personnel can be located and evacuated in an emergency l three most commonly used zones are: –exclusion zone –contamination reduction zone –support zone EXCLUSION ZONE CRZ SUPPORT ZONE DECON
Boundary Lines l exclusion zone boundary or HOT LINE l contamination reduction corridor l contamination control Estimated boundary of area with highest contamination CRZ Access Control Points Decon line Wind Direction Exclusion Zone Boundary Support Zone
Exclusion Zone Do Not Enter
Contamination Reduction Zone l passageway between the hot zone and the support zone l personnel entering the CRZ must wear appropriate PPE l personnel within the CRZ should maintain communications and line-of-sight contact with all work parties
Support Zone l location of administrative and other support functions l support zone personnel are responsible for alerting the proper agency in the event of an emergency.
Support Zone l Facilities that should be located in the support zone: –command post –medical stations –equipment and supply centers –administration –field laboratory –worker rest area
Site Security l necessary to prevent exposure to unauthorized and unprotected people l prevents increased hazards –vandals –thieves –persons seeking to abandon other wastes on the site
Site Security l during working hours –Maintain security at the support zone and access points –enforce entry and exit requirements –ID authorized persons and limitations to their approved activities
Site Security l during off-duty hours –Enlist public enforcement agencies if the site poses a significant risk to local health and safety –Have guards patrol the site boundary if possible –Use video surveillance equipment
Site Communications Systems l external –kept with a telephone or radio –purpose is to coordinate emergency response and to maintain contact with off-site personnel and management
Site Communications Systems l internal –alert workers to emergencies –pass along safety information –communicate changes in the work to be accomplished –maintain site control