Polyamides are polymers that contain many amide groups. These groups form when a carboxylic acid reacts with an amine.
Polyamides are polymers that contain many amide groups. These groups form when a carboxylic acid reacts with an amine.
Polyamides are polymers that contain many amide groups. These groups form when a carboxylic acid reacts with an amine.
Water is eliminated in the reaction, which is called a condensation reaction.
The carboxylic acid and amine are linked by an amide group, –CONH–.
Polyamides are formed by the reaction between a dicarboxylic acid and a diamine.
Water is again eliminated in the reaction.
The dicarboxylic acid and diamine are linked by an amide group.
Notice that there is a carboxyl group on one end of the molecule and an amino group on the other end.
Notice that there is a carboxyl group on one end of the molecule and an amino group on the other end.
Notice that there is a carboxyl group on one end of the molecule and an amino group on the other end.
Notice that there is a carboxyl group on one end of the molecule and an amino group on the other end.
These can react with more diamine and dicarboxylic acid molecules.
When this happens, a polyamide forms.
Nylon is a polyamide. Many monomer units are present in a single polymer chain.
1,6-diaminohexane is a diamine that can form a polyamide with a dicarboxylic acid.
Hexane-1,6-dioic acid is a dicarboxylic acid that can form a polyamide with a diamine.
What is the repeating unit of the polyamide formed if n monomer molecules react together?
What is the repeating unit of the polyamide formed if n monomer molecules react together?
What is the repeating unit of the polyamide formed if n monomer molecules react together?
Water is formed in the reaction.
A polyamide with this repeating unit is also formed in the reaction.
The polyamide formed is called nylon-6,6.
This is because there are six carbon atoms in the original diamine …
… and six carbon atoms in the original dicarboxylic acid.
This is the repeating unit of nylon-5,10.
It would be formed from 1,5-diaminopentane, which has five carbon atoms …
… and decane-1,10-dioic acid, which has 10 carbon atoms.
Different nylons have different properties.