Adverbs and Adjectives Sunday, November 1 st, 2015
Adjectives Adjectives describe nouns. His shoes are red. (which?) There are two shoes. (how many?) The shoes are shiny. (what kind?)
Adverbs Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
Adverbs He ran quickly. He ran very quickly. She is always busy. She is not worried.
Irregular Adverbs good => well fast => fast hard => hard little => little Other Irregular Adverbs: very, much, not.
More About AdverbsAdverbs Adjectives can usually be made into adverbs by adding “ly” to the end. Quick => Quickly Beautiful => Beautifully Nice => Nicely Expensive => Expensively
Practice David is an excellent runner. He runs excellently 2. I am a ________ (bad) singer.I sing ________. 3. You are a _______ (slow) writer.You write ______. 4. Ann is a _________ (careful) girl.She speaks _________. 5. Dan is an __________ (hard) worker. He works __________. 6. The Pasta is ________ (good). He makes it _________.
More About Adverbs Adverbs can compare between actions. Shany works more quickly than Ori. Ori works more carefully than Shany. Which worker works more efficiently ?
Practice 1. Write each sentence. 2. Underline the adjectives. 3. Circle the adverbs. om/watch?v=iIyVDHlJ gSE
1 The mean teacher angrily called parents.
2 The bitter student did not care.
3 The very sleepy student took a quick nap.
4 The old dog could barely wag his tail.
Answers 1. The mean teacher angrily called parents. 2. The bitter student did not care. 3. The very sleepy student took a quick nap. 4. The old dog could barely wag his tail.