Resource Allocation Get some. Give some.
Imagine… You’re packing for a picnic… what 5 items that you have at home do you need to bring? Make your list Explain your choices Share with your partner Share out: Unexpected choices?
Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow. – William Pollard
Overview What do you have to offer? What do you need? Fair allocation Break it out KNOWLEDGE! SKILLS! MINDSET!
Look at you! What do you have to offer? What do you wish you were doing more of? What do know that you wish you could use? What skills that you have do you want to use? What do you do to create the right work environment? What do you need? What would make your job easier? What do you need to know? What skills do you need/need to sharpen? What would help to create the right work environment for you?
Fair Allocation & Sharing Innovation! Is it okay? Client-specific, company-wide? What needs to be in place to make sure our resources are fairly allocated? Does the squeaky wheel always get the grease? Do our biggest clients get our best work? How do we share what we’re working on, avoiding repetition? Small group discussion – pick a recorder/reporter to share out
Break it down, build it up Team time – break into departments or (SDT) role-specific teams What does your team plan to create/build/support/innovate between now and December? Identify up to three clear offerings. How will these come about? How will you share these out? What does your team need in order to be successful this fall? Prioritize your top (up to three) needs.
Follow-up/Q & A How do we continue to inspire innovation and collaboration? How do we build the resources that we need? Action items: Record offerings and objectives in Follow-up Google DocFollow-up Google Doc Share offerings and objectives with team manager Check back on progress at next retreat