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Uniform Proposal Proposal Implement Districtwide Elementary and Middle School Uniform Policy Schools Impacted All Elementary, Middle, and K-8 Combination Schools in Duval County Public Schools Objective The Duval County Public Schools servicing grade levels K- 8 will implement a uniform policy starting in the school year.
Benefits of Uniform Policy The purpose of implementing a school uniform policy is to: Reduce non-academic distractions to ensure a positive learning environment Enhance self-esteem among all students without barriers of fashion Improve school climate and culture among all stakeholders Bring unity, identify, and pride to the school to increase student engagement Reduce potential violence and undesired student behavior patterns Reduce peer pressure to purchase trendy and expensive clothing Reduce social and emotional pressures and allow increased concentration on academics Improve relationship between parent/guardian and student by reducing potential cost factors Assist with identifying intruders on campus and ensure a safe school environment Reduce cost of uniforms for parents Neutralize competitive advantage charters promote regarding uniforms Improve public perception of unsafe schools and unruly children Land’s End School Uniform and NAESP State of School Uniform survey, Gentile, E, & Imberman, S. (2012). Dressed for Success? The Effect of School Uniforms on Student Achievement and Behavior. Journal of Urban Economics, Volume 71, Issue 1, January 2012, p Sanchez, J, Yoxsimer, A., & Hill, G. (2012). Uniforms in the Middle Schools: Student Opinions, Discipline Data, and School Police Data. Journal of School Violence, Volume 11, Issue 4, p
Stakeholder Engagement Proposed Timeline ActivityTimeline Individual SAC/PTA Meetings to engage stakeholders at all Elementary and Middle Schools January, 2016 Parent and Student Surveys (available online through district website and possibly web-based) December- January 2016 Review of Feedback with BoardFebruary Committee or Workshop Meeting Potential Agenda Item to adopt Board Policy (if applicable)March or April Board Meeting
Uniform Criteria Polo Style Shirts Solid Color (selected by school) Schools may elect to have their logo printed on all tops Shirts/ Blouses Solid Color Khaki, Navy, or Black Skirt, Trousers, Shorts, or Jumpers Skirts/ Skorts/P ants/ Shorts Closed Toe Shoes Shoes *Jeans will not be allowed. * Financial Hardship Applications will be made available for those in need.
Special Notations The answer is “no”. Jeans will not be allowed. Will jeans be considered apart of a school uniform ? Financial hardship applications will be made available. Each school will receive a privately funded account for this purpose. What if parents cannot afford uniforms? 1.06 (ZZZ) Nonconformity to the General Code of Appearance (see appendix for general code of appearance) Parent Contact School Provides Uniform for Day or Places Student in ISSP until Parent Brings Proper Clothes Parent Conference Detention Behavior Contract School Provides Uniform for Day or Places Students in ISSP until Parent Brings Proper Clothes 1-3 days ISSP School Provides Uniform for Day or Places Students in ISSP until Parent Brings Proper Clothes 3-5 days ISSP School Provides Uniform for Day or Places Students in ISSP until Parent Brings Proper Clothes 6-10 ISSP School Provides Uniform for Day or Places Students in ISSP until Parent Brings Proper Clothes Proposed Code of Conduct Infraction Consequences
Schools with Uniform Policy Now Uniform Schools Elementary Middle Total per Year
School’s Implementing Uniforms: Discipline Comparison School Years to (Cohort 1) Elementary and Middle Schools: to Analysis Change From Previous YearPercent Change Code of Student Conduct Infractions Level ILevel IILevel IIILevel IVTotalLevel ILevel IILevel IIILevel IVTotal %-39.42% 19.66%45.45%-21.24% %-7.52%25.59%45.11%-11.48% (Cohort 2) Elementary and Middle Schools: to Analysis Change From Previous YearPercent Change Code of Student Conduct Infractions Level ILevel IILevel IIILevel IVTotalLevel ILevel IILevel IIILevel IVTotal %-12.20%3.85%-100%-21.13% %-38.18% %
School Suspension Comparison School Years to (Cohort 1) Elementary and Middle Schools: to Analysis Change From Previous YearPercent Change Suspension Events ATOSSISSPOSSATOSSISSPOSS %-15.58% % %13.25%-51.37% (Cohort 2) Elementary and Middle Schools: to Analysis Change From Previous YearPercent Change Suspension Events ATOSSISSPOSSATOSSISSPOSS %-36.79%-13.25% %3.44%
Gallup Survey Data Regarding School Uniforms When comparing all schools with uniform policies in for the first time to those schools with no uniform policies, there were several areas in which there was a difference between the two groups. In particular, students in schools with uniforms for the first time felt significantly safer than those without uniforms. Uniforms OnlyAll Schools Change Change Hope Think of ways to get good grades Find ways around problems Good job after graduation Feel safe in this school *All items are measured with by a 5 point scale ranging from 1-strongly disagree and 5- strongly agree. 1- Strongly Disagree 2- Disagree 3- Neutral 4- Agree 5- Strongly Agree