MS Algebra A-SSE.2 – Ch. 1.3 Write Algebraic Expressions ALGEBRA SUPPORT Write verbal phrases as algebraic expressions using appropriate terms, factors, and coefficients
SUPPORT Class Learning Target Title: 1.3 Write Algebraic Expressions Date: SUPPORT Class Learning Target By the end of the period, I can interpret verbal phrases and write algebraic expressions with appropriate terms, factors, and coefficients. I will demonstrate this by completing Four-Square Notes and by solving problems in a pair/group activity.
Home Work 1-2-3: 1) Class 4-Square Notes Put In Binder? 2) Section 1.3 Pg. 22-23 3) Section ______ TxtBk. Prob. #7-19 Odd,29-32 Notes Copied on blank sheet Solved and Put in Binder? of paper in Binder? Table of Contents Date Description Date Due
HOMEWORK 7) Translate the phrase “the difference of 7 and a number n” into an expression. 9) Translate the phrase “the quotient of twice a number T and 12” into an expression.
A) 15 + 12x B) (15 + 12)x C) 15(x + 12) D) 15(12)x HOMEWORK 11) Translate the phrase “7 less than twice a number K” into an expression. 13) Which expression represents the phrase “the product of 15 and the quantity 12 more than a number x”? A) 15 + 12x B) (15 + 12)x C) 15(x + 12) D) 15(12)x
HOMEWORK 15) Write the expression for the situation: “Number of tokens needed for V video games if each game take 4 tokens.” 17) Write the expression for the situation: “Cost in dollars per pound of grapes if P pounds cost $2.97.”
HOMEWORK 19) Write the expression for the situation: “Number of days left in the week if D days have passed so far.” 21) Write the expression for the situation: “Number of months in Y years.”
Storm Check (Think, Write, Discuss, Report) What are some key verbal phrases that are synonyms for algebraic operations? Sum (+) Difference (-) Product (x) Quotient (÷)
Storm Check (Think, Write, Discuss, Report) What are some key verbal phrases that are synonyms for algebraic operations? Sum (+) plus, total, more than, increased by addition Difference (-) less than, minus, decreased by subtraction Product (x) times, multiplied by, of multiplication Quotient (÷) divided by, divided into,
HOMEWORK 29) Tickets to a game cost $40 each. Renting a bus costs $500. Write a verbal model for the total cost of renting a bus and buying T tickets. 30) Sweatshirts cost $35 each. You have a coupon for $25 off your total purchase. Write a verbal model for the total cost when using the coupon and buying W sweatshirts.
HOMEWORK 31) A group of F friends split a restaurant bill for $25. One left a $5 tip. Write a verbal model for the amount paid by the friend who left the tip. 32) Tickets to a science museum cost $19.95 each. There is a $3 charge for each order no matter how many tickets are bought. Which expression gives the cost (in dollars) of buying T tickets? A) 19.95T ÷ 3 B) 19.95T + 3 C) 19.95 + 3T D) 19.95T(3T)
Vocabulary Expression Variables Coefficients Constants Terms
Vocabulary Acquisition Friendly Definition Sketch Wordwork Sentence DAY 2 1. Review word Friendly Definition Physical Representation 2. Draw a sketch DAY 1 Use Visuals Introduce the word Friendly Definition Physical Representation Use Cognates Write friendly definition Word List Vocabulary Acquisition DAY 3 and/or DAY 4 1. Review the word Friendly Definition Physical Representation 2. Show how the word works Synonyms/antonym Word Problems Related words/phrases Example/non-example DAY 5 1. Review the word Friendly definition Physical Representation 3. Write a sentence at least 2 rich words (1 action) correct spelling correct punctuation correct subject/predicate agreement clear and clean writing
Title: 1.3 Write Algebraic Expressions Date: Learning Target By the end of the period, I can interpret verbal phrases and write algebraic expressions with appropriate terms, factors, and coefficients. I will demonstrate this by completing Four-Square Notes and by solving problems in a pair/group activity.
Home Work 1-2-3: 1) Class 4-Square Notes Put In Binder? 2) Section 1.3 Pg. 22-23 3) Section ______ TxtBk. Prob. #7-19 Odd,29-32 Notes Copied on blank sheet Solved and Put in Binder? of paper in Binder? Table of Contents Date Description Date Due
Ticket OUT. Translate the phrase “the product of 7 and a number T increased by 3” into an expression. Translate the phrase “the quotient of the quantity 5 minus a number x and 6” into an expression. Turn to your partner and share your answer. Please use correct answer. Partner B, please share what Partner A told you.
Ticket OUT. Translate the phrase “the product of 7 and a number T increased by 3” into an expression. Translate the phrase “the quotient of the quantity 5 minus a number x and 6” into an expression. ANSWER ANSWER Turn to your partner and share your answer. Please use correct answer. Partner B, please share what Partner A told you. 6 x) – (5 7 T + 3