CHAPTER 1 1.Hasidic: a Jewish Sect The Hasidic Jew’s way of dressing may stand out in today’s society.
CHAPTER 1 2. Synagogue: Jewish House of Worship On the Sabbath, I always go to the Synagogue with my family.
CHAPTER 1 3. Cabbala: Jewish Mysticism Elie was interested in studying Cabbalism.
CHAPTER 1 4. Talmud: Body of Jewish Tradition To study Judaism, Elie read the Talmud.
CHAPTER 1 5. Gestapo: Nazi Security Police The Gestapo’s main purpose was to find enemies of the German state, including: Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists, Gypsies, Gays, and Lesbians, and other political dissidents.
CHAPTER 1 6. Rabbi: Jewish religious teacher I went to see the Rabbi, when I had a question about God.
CHAPTER 1 7. Zionism: belief in a Jewish State Ellen is a Zionist, because she believe that there should be a Jewish state.
CHAPTER 1 8. Fascist: Dictatorial An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. Hitler and Mussolini are two of the most famous fascist dictators in history.
CHAPTER 1 9. Ghetto: section of a city where a group is isolated Jews living outside of the Ghetto were forced to move into that area of the city.
CHAPTER Anecdotes: stories/ a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.
CHAPTER Deportation: banishment Jews faced forced deportation to concentration camps.