ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark Standard condition by Lars Christensen
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark New permit system in Denmark – 2 kinds of permits Group 1 -As usual, incl. focus on best available technique in the application (some 20 %, EIA, IPPC) Group 2 -simplified application and permit approach (some 80%)
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark Requirements to information in application Owners and applicant Short description about application Establishment of activities, time frame, new constructions etc. Location, daily operation time, transport to and from the enterprise Drawings and diagrams (location of buildings, emission points, storage facilities, sewer systems) Description of productions (processes, material flow, pollution sources, possible risk for incidents and accidents
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark Requirements to information in application Information about technology (only related to references in “Reference note from DEPA, 2004) Information about pollution and abatement measures (air emission, wastewater, waste, noise, odour, soil and groundwater) Proposal to self-monitoring (frequencies, methods, sample points etc.)
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark Application requirements – differencies between group 1 and 2 No review of BAT / cleaner technologies No requirement on calculation on noise!
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark Requirements to the permit? Environmental assessment of the project Background Condition for operation and lay out of production emission limit values (air and wastewater) Noise limits Self monitoring Measures to protect soil and ground water Handling and storage of waste Odour (if necessary) Possible additional requirements for prevention of accidents Requirements on cassation of operation
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark Previous environmental technical description and assessment of the project is revoked in the new system
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark Sector appendixs - the crank in the simplified (new) system Planned standard condition for app. 23 sectors up to 2007 Standard conditions are binding for the permitting authorities, - they must be used if the enterprise corrospond the description in the Sector appendixs.
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark Why standard condition? The purpose is Quicker to get a permit. The requirements are predictable Requirements to the application are targeted the characteristic of the enterprises Enterprises within the same sector obtain the same requirements - fair competition!
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark Process for development of standard conditions Danish EPA lay down working groups for each sector The branch organisation, authorities and specialists are represented DEPA collect existing examples on permits Conditions are beeing devoloped so they are representative for typical enterprises Conditions are based on BAT Hearing period for standadised conditions
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark Requirements to form and content -Koncept is still under developing -Frame for the working groups: -no interpretations in appendixs -same terminology -same structure in conditions -no unnecessary conditions - no conditions for already regulated areas
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark Content in the sector appendixs Each part is divided into following sub-sections 1. Scope (Acticities embrace by standard conditions) 2. Description of the main environmental consideration 3. Requirements to the applicant 4. Standard conditions emission limit values (air and wastewater) Condition for operation and lay out of production Noise limits Self monitoring Measures to protect soil and ground water Handling and storage of waste Odour (if necessary) Possible additional requirements for prevention of accidents Requirements on cassation of operation
ECENA NETWORK Study tour Denmark When is possible to deviate from standard conditions? New installations – as a starting point no! (exception if it necesssary of consideration to vulnerable surrendings) Excisting enterprises - if the enterprise can not comply in short term the authority can (based on specific assessment), deviate partly or fully from the princip of proportionality as permanent deviation from the standard conditions or as short deviation with a stipulated requirement to comply with in a certain time limit.