Seminar I General research ethics Group 2 Chapter 4 – Handling of research material Ludo, Berrit, TJ, André, Yanran
Summary of the chapter Handling of research data? –Secrecy / anonymity / confidentiality How to protect sources? How do protection of sources and obligations towards the public collide? How much can researchers promise?
Problem / case: Collection of data from a highly endangered species. A disclosure of location data would give poachers directions on where to find individuals. This would bring the species closer to extinction. It is, however, necessary to publish your findings in order to satisfy obligations towards the funding body, and to share your findings with the scientific community, public, etc.
Solution: In order to protect the species, who needs to know that it still exists and where? Is it really necessary to publish to the general public? => NO. We share with: Selected conservation groups/ agencies Other researchers working on the species => Conservation is more important than advancement of the personal career.
Will there be any ethical problems or conflicts in the context, in the organisation or in the group where your decision will be applied or your solution will be used (e.g. your research findings)? People of different research stages might have different ambitions and may need to publish the data in order to advance their career. E.g. PhD student vs P.I.
Will your decision or solution cause any ethical problems or conflicts? Yes, the general public is not being informed A PhD-student e.g. might have problems earning their degree
Are there any alternatives to your solution? Try publication with very vague locations (might not be accepted by journal) Play with the spectrum of whom you inform: Funding body Local population Publish with full details and hope for the best
What groups, individuals, organisations, etc., will in any way be affected by or have a stake in the development, use, application or mere existence of your decision and solution? (Including Society at large and the environment.) Everyone, even the target species Research group – publication record Funding body – transparency Local population – tourism
What values, interests, duties, standpoints and attitudes are involved in the use of your solution and of the possible alternatives? Conservation (potentially highest good) vs Public access of scientific knowledge What effects will your solution (and the alternatives) have on each of these values? What are the strengths/possibilities and the weaknesses/risks of each solution to each value? Will these solutions fit certain values and conflict with others? What values and how?
What will you do to make sure that the use of the solution will be optimal with regards to ethical aspects? For instance, adapt the design of the product, use of research methods, cooperation with industry, information to stakeholders, etc.? How exactly are you going to succeed with this? Via control of access to the information Problem: Need to find a way to back up the PhD student and ensure his earning of recognition