Flowers Their main job for the plant is: Develop into seeds & fruits = Sexual reproduction Reproduce the plant.
3 stages of plant growth Stages of Growth 1. Juvenile—when plant first starts to grow from a seed. 2. Reproductive—when plant produces flowers, seeds and fruits (any plant with flowers) 3. Dormant—when plant rests or grows very little if any.
Flowers - Develop into seeds & fruit 1. Sepals -Green parts that cover & protect flower bud before it opens and are at the base of the flowers once blooming Sepals
2. Petals Are really leaves that are modified to attract insects for flower pollination, the pretty part we call flowers. They are bright & colorful to attract birds & bees
3. Stamen - the male flower part that includes 2 parts: 1.Filament - short stalk that holds up the anther so the bees can get it 2. Anther - a sac-like structure that contains pollen (the male sex cells or gametes) Filament Anther
Male parts anther filament See the pollen??? Anther + Filament = Stamen
4. Pistil - the female flower part 1. Ovules - the eggs or female sex cells that become seeds if fertilized A) Female parts: Pistil B) Male parts: Stamen
2) Ovary: holds the ovules or future seeds If ovules are fertilized, the ovary becomes a fruit or seed coat. So when you eat a fruit, it is the ovary of the flower! Ovary
Pistil (continued) 3. Style – long tube that holds up the stigma & connects it to the ovary. Pollen travels down this tube to get to the ovules Style
4. Stigma - sticky part on top of style where insects leave pollen Stigma
stigma style ovary Female parts
Complete flower - Has both male & female parts Incomplete flower - Has only male or female parts
All about the birds and bees… Pollination - the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the plant.