From The Old To The New… Traditional Programs zWaiting turns zLong roll call zTeam sports – large group format zMulti-activity format (short units do not provide adequate time for many students to gain a confidence- building level of competence in any activity) Lessons in “New P.E.” zHave a clear instructional purpose (i.e., essential content) zContent selection, management protocols & instruction should aim toward increasing activity and learning engagement time zSmall-sided teams zEquipment for all students zChoices of activities with differing levels of difficulty & intensity zAssess student learning
Developmentally Appropriate or Best Practices zEquipment - varied by texture, weight, size, color zMaximizes time-on-task zProvides sufficient challenges/success for all students Logically sequenced content zNon-gender biased Incorporates best practices: zScaffolding zPinpointing zFeedback zFocus Skill or Concept zSkill Progressions zContextual Variability zSet Induction/Closure
Criteria for Learning Experiences: lessons should… zdevelop essential content through a series of instructional tasks zhave potential to improve the motor skills; conceptual understanding; or social-emotional attributes zprovide maximal activity or practice time for all at an appropriate level of difficulty (i.e., individualize/differentiate) zreinforce fitness concepts & contribute to fitness development zand……?
The Movement Framework – Elementary PE 101 zBody Awareness: Locomotor Skills Manipulative Skills Stability Skills z Spatial Awareness: Directions Pathways Levels Range of Movement z Effort Awareness: Qualities/Dynamics of Movement z Relationship Awareness: Following/Leading Under/Over On/Off Etc.
zSKILLS & MOVEMENT CONCEPTS can be taught….. Alone and in combination Individually & in small groups Within the context of a games, dance or gymnastics lesson The Movement Framework – The Foundation of All Lessons
An Example of Standards Based Instruction in Elementary P.E. zPzPDE A. Recognize and use basic movement skills and concepts. VVerbs: recognize; use NNouns: movement skills; concepts Essential Questions: 1.What is a movement skill? 2.What is a movement concept? Answers = Essential Content of a lesson
Essential Content (EC) zAnswers: zMovement concepts are: The elements of space, effort & relationships zMovement skills are: The manipulative, locomotor & stability movement skills There are several manipulative skills that constitute EC. One manipulative skill is BOUNCING. The EC specific bouncing could be specified as: Bouncing is a manipulative skill performed in many types of activities/games Bouncing is a serial skill Bouncing can be performed stationary or on-the-move
Behavioral Objective EC = Bouncing is a manipulative skill performed in many types of activities & games Psychomotor Objective therefore = Students will use the manipulative skill of bouncing within a variety of practice situations as assessed by the teacher checklist. Assessment: Teacher Checklist…refer to handout
Secondary P.E. Content…an example z C Identify and apply strategies for skill improvement. Verbs: identify; apply Nouns: strategies; skill; improvement Essential Questions: 1. What is a skill? 2. What are strategies that aid skill improvement? Answers = EC Skill = A sequence of actions resulting in a purposeful movement. Skills are described by specific critical elements as well phases, i.e, the preparation, execution and follow-through phase Types of Skills = open; closed; discrete, serial, continuous; externally paced, internally paced; fine or gross motor Strategy = a principle or set of guidelines that aid in developing a motor skill such as whole or part practice; variable practice conditions; mass/distributed practice
Essential Content & Behavioral Objective…a sample Essential Content: Variable practice conditions Behavioral Objective: Students will participate in several activities and determine which activities applied the strategy of variable practice. Assessment: Formative – Students will use a teacher- designed taskcard describing practice scenarios in which they will physically participate. Students will then decide which activities applied variability of practice.
Lesson Progressions zPractice parts of a skill; then whole zModify equipment zVary spatial arrangement zVery the focus – goal oriented or process oriented zNo. of people involved zNumber of combined skills or actions
Lesson Progressions linked to… Conditions of Performance zLess Difficult Low speed Low force Stationary sender Stationary receiver Movement forward Medium level of trajectory z More Difficult High speed High force Moving sender Moving receiver Movement backward or sideways High or low level of trajectory
Instructional Task Design zRemember… Informing Task Extending Task Refining Task Application Task zShould you go from an informing task directly to an application task? Refer to handout…..