Physical Development Fine and Gross Motor Skills in the School-Aged Child
Fine Motor Skills Involve the small muscles of the body Involve the small muscles of the body Enable the functions of Enable the functions of 1. writing 1. writing 2. grasping small objects 2. grasping small objects 3. fastening clothing 3. fastening clothing Click here for video
Fine Motor Skills Affect Learning Important to most school activities Important to most school activities Weaknesses affect education; note-taking… Weaknesses affect education; note-taking… May need evaluation by a physical and/or occupational therapists May need evaluation by a physical and/or occupational therapists
Strategies to Improve Fine Motor Skills Strategy games develops tracking with the eyes and pincher grip of the fingers Strategy games develops tracking with the eyes and pincher grip of the fingers Drawing and coloring Drawing and coloring Origami- paper folding Origami- paper folding Paper Cutting Paper Cutting Toys and games develop strength and coordination Board games with pieces and parts to pick up and move
Gross Motor Skills Movement of the large muscles of the body Movement of the large muscles of the body Learned through practice until a particular skill is mastered Learned through practice until a particular skill is mastered Skills Included: Skills Included: 1. Balance 1. Balance 2. Crossing at the Mid-Line 2. Crossing at the Mid-Line 3. Laterality; awareness of right 3. Laterality; awareness of right and left and left 4. Major muscle co-ordination 4. Major muscle co-ordination
Developing Gross Motor Skills Gains better control of grasping, feeding oneself, dressing oneself Gains better control of grasping, feeding oneself, dressing oneself Running, climbing, playing outdoors Running, climbing, playing outdoors Outside chores; gardening, raking, weeding Outside chores; gardening, raking, weeding Walking in the snow Walking in the snow Playing with a large ball Playing with a large ball Playing Simon Says Playing Simon Says
Fine & Gross Motor Skills Summary Every aspect of life involves them Every aspect of life involves them Difficulty or delay in development affects a person greatly Difficulty or delay in development affects a person greatly Early use and assistance with development crucial Early use and assistance with development crucial Activities need to be practiced often Activities need to be practiced often Continue to develop throughout life Continue to develop throughout life